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    • 1. 讓...進來 Please open the window and let in some fresh air. 請打開窗透透新鮮空氣。

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  2. to allow someone or something to enter. 允許…進入. She opened the door and let me in. 她打開門讓我進去。. These shoes are starting to let water in. 這雙鞋子開始進水了。. 减少例句. I let them in through the gate. The guards should not have let them in. The windows let a lot of cold air in. We are not supposed to let ...

  3. let someone/something in的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to allow someone or something to enter: 2. to allow someone or something to enter: 。 了解更多。 詞典

  4. 中文翻译: [插入某人/某物] 例句. She opened the door and let me in. 她打开门让我进去。 例句. These shoes are starting to let water in. 水开始进入这些鞋子。 let in是一个英语单词,有几个不同的含义。 让我们用例句来解释每个的含义和用法! Follow the spiral staircase to the airy, whitewashed dining room on the second floor where tall windows let in the breeze. 沿着螺旋 楼梯 来到二楼一间通风的白色装饰房间,高高的窗户让微风透进来。

  5. let verb (ALLOW) Add to word list. B1 [ T + infinitive without to ] to allow something to happen or someone to do something by not doing anything to stop an action or by giving your permission. 讓;允許;准許. She wanted to go but her parents wouldn't let her. 她想走,但父母不讓。 He decided to let his hair grow long. 他決定把頭髮留起來。

  6. 3 种含义: 1. to allow to enter 2. → See let in for 3. → See let in on.... 点击查看更多定义。

  7. 在英文解释里: inlet - make water. 同义词: admit, allow to enter, give admission to, allow in, 更多…… 标题中含有单词 'let in' 的论坛讨论: If you are not busy, and you are interested in meeting [please] let me know. Let's find a place to have dinner (in) 'I just wanted to let you know' in the reported speech. - English Only forum.

  8. 1. to let sb do sth (give permission) 允许某人做某事 [yǔnxǔ mǒurén zuò mǒushì] My parents wouldn’t let me go out with boys. 我父母不许我与男孩子们一起交往。. [Wǒ fùmǔ bùxǔ wǒ yǔ nánháizimen yīqǐ jiāowǎng.] 2. to let sth happen 让某事发生 [ràng mǒushì fāshēng] People here let everyone else ...

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