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  1. 'light into' 的定义. 词汇频率. light into in British English. 动词. (intr, preposition) informal. to assail physically or verbally. Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. 查看相关内容. 词汇频率. light into in American English. US, Informal. 1. to attack. 2. to scold; berate. See full dictionary entry for light.

  2. light into中文的意思、翻譯及用法:痛打;反復打擊。英漢詞典提供【light into】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

  3. LIGHT INTO ——劍橋英語同義詞詞典,包括同義詞和例句. 同義詞詞典:英語中 light into 的同義詞和反義詞. light into. verb. 這些都是與 light into 相關的單字和片語。 任意點選單字和片語去往同義詞詞典頁面。 或者, LAMBASTE. Synonyms. chew out. Slang. lambaste. scold. berate. castigate. censure. reprimand. dress down. rebuke. cuss out. give one what for. denounce. bawl out. Informal. Antonyms. praise. commend. extol. laud.

  4. light into中文意思:na. 攻擊;責備;罵 …,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋light into的中文翻譯,light into的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。

  5. 1. To verbally or physically attack or accost someone. He's been lighting into the customer service representative for about half an hour now over our canceled flight. You can't just light into him anytime he doesn't do what we say—he's just a child! The actor lit into the film industry for allowing such abhorrent behavior to go unchecked. 2.

  6. 2023年11月17日 · 本期 “一分鐘英語” 總結 “light” 的四個常見用法。 用法總結 1. 名詞 “light” 可以指 “光亮,日光”。 I woke up early because the light was coming into the room. Our hallway doesn’t have a window, so there’s very little light. 2. 名詞 “light” 還可以指 “燈,發光體”。

  7. light n. 光線、燈光、日光、啟發 vt. 點燃、照亮 vi. 變亮 adj. 明亮的、清淡的、輕的 light into ph. 打擊 light out ph. 迅速離去 light up vt. 點煙、照亮、使高興起來 lightbulb n. 燈泡 lighted vbl. light動詞的過去式、過去分詞 lighten vi. 變淡、心情好轉、變輕 vt. 使變