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  1. to spoil or damage something, or to do something wrong or badly. 搞砸,弄糟. I messed up my chances of becoming a great singer. 我覺得自己已經把成為大歌星的機會毀掉了。 He says that his divorce has really messed his life up. 他說離婚確實令他的生活變得一團糟。 You really messed up this time. 這次你的確把事情搞砸了。 更多範例. mess someone up. phrasal verb with mess verb uk / mes / us / mes /

  2. make a mess of, destroy or ruin; "I botched the dinner and we had to eat out" "the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement" disturb the smoothness of; "ruffle the surface of the water" 片語. mess you up 把你弄糟. mess sth up 把……弄糟糕. get into a jam 陷入困境. get into hot water 陷入困境(等於be in hot water) mess something up 弄糟.

  3. 片語動詞. 搞砸. "mess up" 例句. She has really messed up her room. 她已經搞砸了她的房間。. Our son's birthday party messed up the entire house. 我們的兒子生日派對搞砸了整棟房子。. This riverbank has been really messed up by people leaving their trash behind. 河岸因人們亂丟垃圾而被搞砸。.

  4. 翻譯器工具. 在英語詞典中查看 mess sb up 的釋義. 瀏覽. mess around (with sb) mess around with sth. mess sb about/around. mess sb up. mess sth up. mess with sb. mess with sth/sb. 回到頁面頂端. 內容. mess sb up翻譯:引起問題, 使(某人)出現精神問題, 傷人, 毆打(某人)。 了解更多。

  5. MESS SOMETHING UP翻译:把…弄乱;把…弄脏, 搞砸,弄糟, 引起问题, 使(某人)出现精神问题, 伤人, 殴打(某人), 乱七八糟,一塌糊塗。了解更多。

  6. Mass-Up is an open-source mass spectrometry software for proteomics designed to support the preprocessing and Machine-Learning based analysis of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry data. Data visualization. Quality Control. Biomarker Discovery. PCA. Clustering. Biclustering. Machine-Learning Classification. Quality Control. Data input.

  7. 2015年10月5日 · Mass-Up, an open software multiplatform application for MALDI-TOF-MS knowledge discovery is herein presented.

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