Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Yahoo奇摩字典

    n.[C] 可數名詞

    • 1. 模子,模型;鑄模,鑄型;模具 We need to make a mold of this new product so we can mass produce it. 我們需要將產品做出模子才能大量生產。
    • 2. 模製品,鑄件

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 用模子做,鑄造 We mold wax into candles. 我們鑄蠟成燭。
    • 2. 塑造,把……塑造成[(+into)] Children mold figures out of clay. 孩子們用黏土塑造人像。

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  2. MOLD翻譯:(mould的美式拼寫)。了解更多。 Direct savings accrue from reduced costs in the mold room and reduced coverage for sick time resulting from strain injuries to radiation therapists (radiotherapy technicians).

  3. MOULD翻譯:灰綠色成長物, 黴;黴菌, 形狀, 模子,模具;鑄模, 人格, (人的)性格,氣質,類型, 用模具製作;塑造;使成形, 力圖改變;對…施加影響, 緊貼身體。了解更多。

  4. MOULD翻译:灰绿色成长物, 霉;霉菌, 形状, 模子,模具;铸模, 人格, (人的)性格,气质,类型, 用模子制作;塑造;使成形, 力图改变;对…施加影响, 紧贴身体。了解更多。

  5. 可數名詞. 1. 模子,模型;鑄模,鑄型;模具 We need to make a mold of this new product so we can mass produce it. 我們需要將產品做出模子才能大量生產。. They are cast in the same mold. 它們是一個模子澆鑄成的。. 2. 模製品,鑄件. 3.

  6. › wiki › MoldMold - Wikipedia

    A mold ( US, PH) or mould ( UK, CW) is one of the structures that certain fungi can form. The dust-like, colored appearance of molds is due to the formation of spores containing fungal secondary metabolites. The spores are the dispersal units of the fungi. [1] [2] Not all fungi form molds. Some fungi form mushrooms; others grow as single cells ...

  7. 跳轉到: , A+醫學百科 >> 黴菌. 黴菌 (mould, mold),亦稱「絲狀菌」,具有 菌絲體 或 孢子體 的小型 真菌 。. 體呈絲狀,叢生,可產生多種形式的 孢子 。. 多 腐生 。. 種類很多,常見的有 根霉 、 毛霉 、 麴黴 和 青黴 等。. 黴菌可用以生產工業原料 (檸檬酸、甲 ...

  8. Source: National Center for Environmental Health. CDC Mold Web site provides information on mold and health, an inventory of state indoor air quality programs, advice on assessment, cleanup efforts, and prevention of mold growth, and links to resources.

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