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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. (回答問題時所說)無可奉告 Will you resign, Minister? No comment! “部長, 你是要辭職嗎?” “無可奉告。”

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  2. 「不予置評 no comment」這個表達方式。 使用情緒 在某些情況下,你可能會感到緊張或不安, 因為你不想或不能回答這個問題。 使用「no comment」可以幫助你保持冷靜, 不必表達你的情感或觀點。 使用範例 以下是使用「不予置評 no comment

  3. 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. no comment. phrase. Add to word list. Add to word list. C2. used to say that you do not want to answer someone's question. 無可奉告。. His publicist replied with a firm "No comment ".

  4. thedreadlion. 2019年1月5日. 最有帮助的回答. 英语 (美国) No comment is when. you don't want to actually reply to a question. An example, " The police asked him were you at home the day of the crime and he replied no comment. No comments is a bit different and it depends on the context of the question.

    • Kobayashi Bldg 4F, 2-6-14 Ebisu-minami, Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0022, Japan, 1500022, JP
    • CEO of Lang-8, Inc.
  5. 2021年8月10日 · Blow someone/something off 不認真對待;敷衍某人/某事. 這個片語的意思跟用法基本上跟上方的 brush off 類似,也有「打發他人」以及「放某人鴿子」的意思。 此外,放鴿子也可以用 stand someone up 來表示喔! Give somebody the runaround 敷衍. Runaround 以字面上來說,有「到處跑」的意思。 一直到處繞圈意指一味地逃避面對正題,衍伸出「阻礙進展的事情或手段」的意思,而 give somebody the runaround 就有「塘塞、打發他人」的意思。

  6. C2. used to say that you do not want to answer someone's question. 无可奉告。. His publicist replied with a firm "No comment ". If anyone asks me about my father, I just say, "No comment ".

  7. 最佳解答. 英語 (美國) No comment is when. you don't want to actually reply to a question. An example, " The police asked him were you at home the day of the crime and he replied no comment. No comments is a bit different and it depends on the context of the question.

  8. no comment中文的意思、翻譯及用法:無可奉告;不予置評;無意見。英漢詞典提供【no comment】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

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