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  1. not very. 不太. He seemed none too happy / pleased at the prospect of meeting the family. 他似乎對即將見到家人並不是太開心。 (none too在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) C2. none too 的翻譯. 中文(簡體) 不太… 查看更多內容. 需要一個翻譯器嗎? 獲得快速、免費的翻譯! 翻譯器工具. 在英語詞典中查看 none too 的釋義. 瀏覽. none but idiom. none other than someone/something idiom.

  2. none too 在英語中的意思. idiom formal. Add to word list. C2. not very: He seemed none too happy / pleased at the prospect of meeting the family. 「SMART 詞彙」:相關單字和片語. Linguistics: very & extreme. abjectly. absolutely. abundantly clear. beyond. biblical. downright. extraordinarily. extremely. infinitely. particularly. profoundly. stupefyingly. super-duper.

  3. none too 在英语中的意思. idiom formal. Add to word list. C2. not very: He seemed none too happy / pleased at the prospect of meeting the family. “SMART 词汇”:相关单词和短语. Linguistics: very & extreme. abjectly. absolutely. abundantly clear. beyond. biblical. downright. extraordinarily. extremely. infinitely. particularly. profoundly. stupefyingly. super-duper.

  4. the service in this shop is none too fast. 這家店的服務一點也不快。we did the work none too well. 我們活干得一點也不好。if all men count with you,but none too much; 如果所有人都指望你,卻無人全心全意; all of those are the benefits – none too farfetched – of

  5. PLEASED意思、解釋及翻譯:1. happy or satisfied: 2. to be very willing to do something: 3. happy or satisfied: 。. 了解更多。.

  6. If someone is not too pleased or is none too pleased, they are annoyed about something or do not think something is acceptable . [feelings] I was not too pleased with the record you sent me. He's not too pleased that I don't seem to be doing my bit. Marianne was none too pleased to find Simon seated beside her. 5. 形容词.

  7. to be none too pleased about sth. to be no good at (doing) sth. to be no match for sb/sth. to be no use (to sb) to be none too pleased about sth. to be nostalgic about/for sth. to be not accounted for. to be notable for sth. 以 'T' 开头的所有 英语 词. 学习资源. to be none too pleased about sth 的翻译—— 柯林斯 英语到中文词典.