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    • 1. 無法表達;無法形容 The scenery in my hometown is beautiful past expression. 我家鄉的景色美得無法形容。

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  2. Verbs. Talking about the past. Oops, something went wrong. Check your browser's developer console for more details. Level: intermediate. Past events and situations. We use the past simple to talk about: something that happened once in the past: The film started at seven thirty. We arrived home before dark.

  3. 我們先來講講過去簡單式的英文名稱吧!. 有些人會稱為 Simple Past Tense 或者是: Past Simple Tense 。. 講到過去簡單式,其實就是很多英文老師口中常說的「過去式」,是一個在日常生活中很常見,也是母語者經常使用的時態。. 而今天的這篇文章會專注在「過去 ...

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  4. 其他人也問了

  5. We use the past tense to talk about: something that happened once in the past: I met my wife in 1983. We went to Spain for our holidays. They got home very late last night. something that happened several times in the past: When I was a boy, I walked a mile to school every day. We swam a lot while we were on holiday.

  6. Past - 当代英语语法 - 剑桥在线词典. Grammar > Verbs > Tenses and time > Past. 来自 English Grammar Today. There are a number of ways of talking about the past: We talked for hours on the phone. (past simple) She was running to catch the bus. (past continuous) I’ve cleaned the kitchen. (present perfect simple) I’ve been painting. (present perfect continuous)

  7. The simple past tense (also past simple, past tense or preterite) expresses completed past actions. It is the basic past tense in English grammar. Learn about the simple past tense in English Grammar online with Lingolia then test yourself in the free exercises.

  8. Content. Past time expressions. In English, we use the simple past to talk about things that happened. Some words and phrases are often used to show when an action or situation occurred in the past. We call them time adverbials. Here are some of the most common ones. Now let's see how and when to use them. Time adverbial: ago.

  9. Simple Past. The simple past (also called past simple, past indefinite or preterite) is a verb tense which is used to show that a completed action took place at a specific time in the past. The simple past is also frequently used to talk about past habits and generalizations. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and simple past exercises.