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  1. C2. to force yourself to be brave enough to do something, although you are frightened or worried about it. 鼓起勇氣. He finally plucked up courage to ask her to marry him. 他最終鼓起勇氣向她求婚。. I'd love to do a parachute jump, but I can't pluck up the/enough courage. 我很想跳傘,但沒那份膽量。.

  2. Meaning of pluck up your courage in English. pluck up your courage. idiom (also pluck up (the) courage to do something) Add to word list. C2. to force yourself to be brave enough to do something, although you are frightened or worried about it: He finally plucked up courage to ask her to marry him.

  3. 2022年8月7日 · pluck up one's courage 是什麼意思?courage是勇氣,pluck up是「鼓起」、「振作」,因此這個片語是鼓起勇氣的意思。這個片語在學測、多益、英檢的作文情境中都很好使用,是必背的片語喔!還有哪些說法也可以表示「鼓起勇氣」呢?

  4. 鼓起勇氣的英文例句. He always plucks up at the sign of danger. He plucked up his courage and made a love confession to ... 讀更多. 鼓起勇氣的相關詞. 勇氣可嘉 主宰自己的人生. 鼓起勇氣的英文翻譯. pluck up (one's courage); summon my cour... 讀更多. 鼓起勇氣的英文翻譯解釋. 都很常用. 鼓起勇氣的部分中譯. 每當有危險的時候他都會鼓起勇氣面對. 他鼓起勇氣向心儀的女生告白. 還有問題? 請發問. 請參考 eTalking 線上英語學習. 選擇題. 因禍得福 的英文怎麼說? (二選一)

  5. [plʌk ] 及物动词. 1. (fruit, flower, leaf) 採摘. 2. (seize) 扯. 3. (guitar, strings) 撥. 4. (chicken, turkey, goose) 拔⋯的毛. 5. (eyebrows) 拔. 名词 [uncount] (courage) 勇氣. to be plucked from danger 脫離危險. to be plucked to safety 轉危為安. to pluck up (the) courage (to do sth) 鼓起勇氣做某事. pluck at. 非离合及物动词. 抓住. Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers.

  6. To pluck up ones courage means to force or will oneself to overcome fear or to be brave; to bolster one’s courage. 1, 2, 3. 100 English Idioms You Can Use Often | Meanings and Examples. Watch on. Want to see more videos from Idioms.Online? Subscribe to our YouTube channel! Examples Of Use.

  7. 2023年11月26日 · pluck up one's courage (third-person singular simple present plucks up one's courage, present participle plucking up one's courage, simple past and past participle plucked up one's courage) To muster the bravery and will to do something. Synonyms: gather up one's courage, screw up one's courage. Translations [ edit]