Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ˋpɑsəblɪ]

    ad. 副詞

    • 1. 也許,可能
    • 2. (用於否定句、疑問句)無論如何,究竟 It can't possibly work. 那絕對不成。

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  2. possibly的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. used when something is not certain: 2. used to agree or disagree when some doubt is involved…。 了解更多。 詞典

  3. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供possibly的中文意思,possibly的用法讲解,possibly的读音,possibly的同义词,possibly的反义词,possibly的例句等英语服务。

  4. probably 一般指根据逻辑推理,估计有发生的 能,把握性较大,语气比possibly强。 联想词 conceivably 令人信服地; could 能够; perhaps 也许; might 能; probably 大概; potentially 潜在地; likely 很 能的; would 将,将要; even 平坦的; certainly 无疑地; surely 稳当地;

  5. [`pɑsәblI; ˋpɒsәbli] 《副詞》 (more possibly; most possibly) ⑴ 或許,說不定,也許 (= perhaps【同義字】) He may possibly recover. 他或許會復元 She's possibly over thirty. 她說不定超過三十歲 Ppossibly he will come, too. 或許他也會來 "Will he

  6. 去往同義詞條目查看 possibly 的同義詞和反義詞。 瞭解更多 If you want to express doubt or say you are uncertain about something, you can use the word maybe.

  7. The company has now produced what is possibly the most clear plasma display on the market. It may possibly rain today. Online advertising is possibly the best way to market a product.

  8. 可能 - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果,提供dreye英漢雙解詞典的詳細解釋,以及相關的財經、股票、歷史等資訊。

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