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    • 1. prompt的名詞複數

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  2. 引起;導致;激起. The bishop's speech has prompted an angry response from both political parties. 主教的發言激起了兩大政黨的憤怒回應。. Recent worries over the president's health have prompted speculation over his political future. 最近對總統健康狀況的擔憂引發了對其政治前途的猜測。. prompt ...

  3. Feel free to filter through different genres, which include... Dramatic — If you want to make people laugh and cry within the same story, this might be your genre. Funny — Whether satire or slapstick, this is an opportunity to write with your funny bone. Romance — One of the most popular commercial genres out there.

  4. 2023年1月20日 · Jan 20, 2023. 1. 有朋友試用 ChatGPT 後,覺得他總是給不出自己期望的回覆;這是因為 AI 依舊距離我們的生活很遙遠,還是因為沒有掌握到使用要領呢 ...

  5. prompt有多種詞性:當動詞時,語意為刺激、激勵、導致,常見句型為promt somebody to do something; 當形容詞時語意為迅速的、立即的、及時的,用於形容反應或行動快速,不拖延; 當名詞時,語意為提示,常用於電腦科學中表示系統等待用戶輸入的提示、或是給演員提詞的人。prompt三態為:prompt / prompted ...

  6. PROMPT翻译:导致, 引起;导致;激起, 提词, (尤指)给(演员)提词, 迅速的;敏捷的;及时的, 计算机, (计算机屏幕上的)提示符(显示计算机已经准备好接受指令), 协助演员的, (给演员的)提词,提白…。. 了解更多。.

  7. 2024年4月9日 · Need an idea to help you get started writing? You’ll find hundreds of fun writing prompts here – perfect for beginning a new novel or short story, or simply giving your writing muscle a workout.

  8. prompt verb [T] (CAUSE) Add to word list Add to word list. to make something happen: The bishop's speech has prompted an angry response from both political parties. Recent worries over the president's health have prompted speculation over his political future. prompt someone to do something.

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