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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ˋpʌŋktʃʊəl]

    a. 形容詞

    • 1. 嚴守時刻的;準時的[(+for/in)] He is always very punctual. 他總是非常準時。
    • 2. (表達方式等)正確的;精確的

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  2. adjective. uk / ˈpʌŋk.tʃu.əl / us / ˈpʌŋk.tʃu.əl / Add to word list. arriving, doing something, or happening at the expected, correct time; not late. 準時,守時. a punctual start to the meeting 準時開會. He's fairly punctual (= he usually arrives on time). 他通常非常準時。 (punctual在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) punctual的 例句.

  3. (punctual在剑桥英语-中文简体词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)

  4. punctual 在英語中的意思. adjective. uk/ˈpʌŋk.tʃu.əl/us/ˈpʌŋk.tʃu.əl/ Add to word listAdd to word list. arriving, doing something, or happening at the expected, correct time; not late: a punctual start to the meeting. He's fairly punctual (= he usually arrives on time). 「SMART 詞彙」:相關單字和片語. At the right time. (as) regular as clockworkidiom. catch. cue. dot.

  5. 釋義. 同反義. adj. 形容詞. 1. 嚴守時刻;準時 [(+for/in)] He is always very punctual. 他總是非常準時。 2. (表達方式等)正確;精確. 3. 點狀. 更多解釋. punctual. IPA [ˈpʌŋktʃʊəl] 美式. 英式. adj. 準時 to be punctual for...

  6. punctual中文的意思翻譯及用法adj. 準時的守時的精確的英漢詞典提供punctual的詳盡中文翻譯用法例句等

  7. punctual [ ˈpʌŋktjuəl ] adj 准 (準)时 (時) zhǔnshí de. 在这些条目还发现'punctual': 在英文解释里: on time - timekeeper - well-timed. 中文: 准时. 在单词列表中: Desirable personal qualities, 更多…… 同义词: on time, timely, prompt, on schedule, on the hour, 更多……