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  1. Bob isn't superstitious and thinks there's no rationality behind Friday the 13th. "rationality" 相關課程教材 “By exploring the consequences of limited rationality, social preferences, and lack of self-control,” Thaler “has shown how these human traits systematically affect individual decisions as well as market outcomes,” the Swedish Academy said.

  2. RATIONALITY ý nghĩa, định nghĩa, RATIONALITY là gì: 1. the quality of being based on clear thought and reason, or of making decisions based on clear…. Tìm hiểu thêm. Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge ...

  3. RATIONALITY翻译:理性。了解更多。 We have suggested that, for our eighteenth-century writers, the concept of rationality was less narrowly defined, and could encompass dispositions as well as actions.

  4. rationality:主要是在选择(被rational choice theory描述)和具体实践层面讲的,提供的是对某个/ 某类具体事项、行动的评判。规范性的意义稍弱一点。举个栗子。我们可以用这两个词谈论某个道德上有争议的行动----比如说谎。说谎的reason可能有很多,比如说 ...

  5. RATIONALITY definition: 1. the quality of being based on clear thought and reason, or of making decisions based on clear…. Learn more. These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of ...

  6. 1. 何謂「理性」?結構理性與實質理性 什麼是「理性」 (rationality)??「理性」這個詞本身就有歧義。「理性」一詞有時指的是「理性能力」,如推理的思辨能力,例如「人因為有理性成為萬物之靈」。另一種意義用來形容心靈或行為的理性狀態,如「明知危險還要去做,他實在是太不理性了」。

  7. 2013年2月13日 · Instrumental rationality, by virtually any reckoning, is an important, and presumably indispensable, part of practical rationality. However, philosophers have been interested in it for further reasons. To take one example, it has been suggested that instrumental rationality, or some tendency toward it, is partly constitutive of intention ...

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