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  1. Recorder players. The recorder is a family of woodwind musical instruments in the group known as internal duct flutes: flutes with a whistle mouthpiece, also known as fipple flutes. A recorder can be distinguished from other duct flutes by the presence of a thumb-hole for the upper hand and seven finger-holes: three for the upper hand and four ...

    • 421.221.12, (Flute with internal duct and finger holes)
  2. RECORDER翻譯:樂器, 豎笛;直笛, 法官, 法官, 裝置, 盒式磁帶錄放機,磁帶錄音機;盒式磁帶錄像機。了解更多。 Unfortunately, qualified and experienced teachers are often tossed into the same basket and serve primarily as occasional human tape recorders ...

  3. 直笛. ABS Resin Recorders. Wooden Recorders. Plant-based Plastic Recorders. Rainbow Recorders.

  4. Fife ABS Resin Recorders. Fife. 音樂教育能帶領出孩子的表現力,培育靈敏度。. Yamaha 鼓笛 ABS 樹脂製直笛擁有豐富多樣的音調。. 一般認為鼓笛最早源於東方的橫笛,在中世紀引進歐洲並演變為現代的樣貌。. 在歐洲和美洲,直笛常出現在民族音樂及鼓、笛組成的樂隊 ...

    • Types of Recorders
    • Wood vs Plastic Recorders
    • Commonly Asked Questions
    • Conclusion

    In this section, we’ll dig into more details on the types of recorders there are. This section includes information on the recorders, their ranges, and where you may find them. In this section, I also share some examples of these recorders you could buy. These links are affiliate in nature which means I earn a small commission if you buy it, but I ...

    Traditionally, recorders were made of wood. Wood recorders are still considered the professional level of recorders even today. Plastic recorders came into popularity with the inclusion of their playing in popular music methods, especially that of Gunild Keetman, co-founder of Orff-schulwerk. Here is a quick pros and cons comparison of wood vs plas...

    What Is The Biggest Recorder Called? – The biggest recorder is the sub-contrabass recorder. This recorder is over 6 feet long. What Is The Smallest Recorder Called? – The smallest recorder is the garklein. Are Descant And Soprano Recorders The Same? – No, they are two different names for the same recorder size. Do Recorders Come In Different Keys? ...

    I hope you enjoyed learning a bit about what the 5 different types of recorders are. The most common is the soprano recorder, but you may find all the other types in recorder consorts. These instruments are fun to play and to teach.

  5. › products › musical_instrumentsRecorders - Yamaha USA

    YRP-300B. A set of four different 300 Series recorders with a lightweight carrying case. Includes sopranino, soprano, alto and tenor models.

  6. RECORDER翻译:乐器, 竖笛;直笛, 法官, 法官, 装置, 盒式磁带录放机,磁带录音机;盒式磁带录像机。了解更多。 The compositional process, however, was still essentially incremental, building up the composite sound field channel by channel, using the mono tape ...