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  1. rest on/upon someone/something. phrasal verb with rest verb uk / rest / us / rest /. formal. to depend on someone or something. 有賴於;取決於;依賴. Our success rests on an increase in sales. 我們的成功取決於銷售量的增加。. (rest on/upon something在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University ...

  2. 1. : to depend or rely on (someone or something) All our hopes rested on one man. 2. : to stop moving and look at (someone or something) His eyes/gaze rested on the letter. 3. : to be based on (something) His theory rested upon two important pieces of evidence. Examples of rest on/upon in a Sentence.

  3. 1. 依在...上; 依靠; 以...為基礎 His fame rests on his plays more than on his novels. 他的聲譽與其說依靠他的小說不如說依靠他的劇本。 His mind rested on the fact that his work was done. 他的思想是以他所做的工作這個事實為基礎。 更多解釋. rest on. 美式....

  4. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English rest on/upon something phrasal verb 1 formal to depend on something Success in management ultimately rests on good judgment. 2 formal to be based on a particular idea or set of facts The case against my client rests entirely on circumstantial evidence. 3 if your eyes rest on something, you notice i...

  5. 英語釋義. be based on; of theories and claims, for example; "What's this new evidence based on?" rest on for support; "you can lean on me if you get tired" 片語. good rest on Marata 馬拉塔好住. rest hand on sword 仗劍. rest head on the pillow 頭靠在枕頭上休息. Rest Head On 枕. lean upon 依靠. Rest lying on the beach 躺在沙灘上休息. Download rest info on show 下載并顯示余下的信息.

  6. phrasal verb. rest on/upon somebody/something. to depend or rely on somebody/something. All our hopes now rest on you. Extra Examples. Take your English to the next level. The Oxford Learner’s Thesaurus explains the difference between groups of similar words. Try it for free as part of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary app.

  7. 2022年5月2日 · Watch on. 怎麼使用希平方片語?. Arguments are more convincing when they rest on a good knowledge of the audience, taking into account what the audience believes, who they trust, and what they value. 基於對閱聽人的透徹了解而發展出的論點會比較具有說服力,這些論點將閱聽人相信、信任、重視的 ...