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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ˋrɪgmə͵rol]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 冗長的廢話;沒條理的長文章
    • 2. 無意義的繁瑣手續

    a. 形容詞

    • 1. 無聊的;冗長的

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  2. RIGMAROLE翻譯:(毫無意義的)繁瑣費時的手續;冗長的廢話。了解更多。

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      rigmarole 翻譯:(毫无意义的)繁琐费时的手续;冗长的废 ...

    • English (US)

      rigmarole translations: (毫無意義的)繁瑣費時的手續; ...

    • 中文

      rigmarole翻译:(毫無意義的)繁瑣費時的手續;冗長的廢話 ...

  3. RIGMAROLE definition: 1. a long set of actions or words without any real purpose: 2. a long set of actions or words…. Learn more.

  4. rigmarole中文的意思、翻譯及用法:adj. 冗長的n. 冗長的廢話。英漢詞典提供【rigmarole】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

  5. rigmarole(不可數) (不必要的)冗長複雜的手續 Have you experienced all the rigmarole you have to go through at airport security these days? 機場安全檢查的那些不必要的手續你經歷過嗎? (冗長的、無條理的)廢話,胡扯

  6. The meaning of RIGMAROLE is something (such as a procedure or an explanation) that is long, complicated, and tedious. How to use rigmarole in a sentence. Did you know?

  7. 冗長的廢話,沒條理的長文無情的,冗長的,無條理的