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    KK [ˋseftɪ]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 安全,平安[U] The children were led to a place of safety. 孩子們被帶到一個安全的地方。
    • 2. 安全設施[C]

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  2. Police are concerned for the safety of (= think that something bad might have happened to) the five-year-old. 警方爲那個五歲小孩的安危擔心。. He was led to a place of safety (= somewhere he would not be in danger, especially of being found and harmed). 他被帶往一個安全的地方。.

  3. SAFETY FIRST 安全生活 幸福享受 快捷服務 商品事故通報 商品召回訊息 國外瑕疵商品訊息 瑕疵除濕機查詢 市售商品抽測結果 歷年違規商品 最新消息 2024/04/17 標準局與消基會共同公布市售「塑膠地磚」商品檢測結果 ...

  4. 安全(英語: Safety )是一種狀態,最簡單的定義是沒有危險 [1],較詳細的定義是指受到保護,不受到各種類型的故障、損壞、錯誤、意外、傷害或是其他不情願事件的影響,這些類型包括身體、社會、靈性、財務、政治、情感、職業、心理及教育等方面。

  5. a state in which or a place where you are safe and not in danger or at risk. 安全,平安. For your ( comfort and) safety, we recommend you keep your seat belt loosely fastened during the flight. 为了您的(舒适和)安全,我们建议您在飞行期间松松地系住安全带。. Reporters may enter the danger zone but ...

  6. 6 天前 · 2023-12-13. 勞動部職業安全衛生署112年8月17日勞職安4字第1121400422號函再更新應依法辦理資訊申報網站登錄及型式驗證並經列屬輸入規定代號375之產品範圍一覽表 2023-08-24. 函轉行政院環境保護署修正「危險化學物質 (品)異常處置及運作貯 (儲)存、應變 ...

  7. › wiki › SafetySafety - Wikipedia

    Warning signs, such as this one, can improve safety awareness. Safety is the state of being "safe", the condition of being protected from harm or other danger. Safety can also refer to the control of recognized hazards in order to achieve an acceptable level of risk

  8. safety. noun [ U ] uk / ˈseɪf.ti / us / ˈseɪf.ti /. B2. a state in which or a place where you are safe and not in danger or at risk. 安全,平安. For your ( comfort and) safety, we recommend you keep your seat belt loosely fastened during the flight. 为了您的(舒适和)安全,我们建议您在飞行期间松松地系住安全 ...

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