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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. sag的動詞現在分詞、動名詞

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  2. a movement or position in which something has dropped down to a lower level. 下垂部分;下彎部分;下陷部分. a sag in the roof 屋頂的下陷部分. [ C usually singular ] a reduction in something. 下降,下跌. a sag in sales 銷售量的下降. sag noun (FOOD) [ U ] → saag. (同 saag) (sag在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) sag的 例句.

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      sag翻譯:(中部)下垂,下陷, 减弱;下降,下跌, 下垂部分 ...

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      POSITION翻譯:地點, 位置,方位,地點, (團隊體育運動中 ...

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    Google 提供的服務無須支付費用,可讓您即時翻譯英文和超過 100 種其他語言的文字、詞組和網頁。翻譯 設定 語音速度 正常 測試 緩慢 測試 較慢 測試 登入 翻譯 關於 Google 翻譯 隱私權與條款 說明 提供意見 關於 Google ...

  4. present participle of sag. (sagging在劍橋高級學習詞典和同義詞詞典中的解釋 © Cambridge University Press) sagging | 商務英語. adjective [ before noun ] uk / ˈsæɡɪŋ / us. Add to word list. lower or less strong: He said he cut taxes by $9 billion as mayor in an effort to revitalize the city's sagging economy. sagging revenues / demand / sales.

  5. 英語釋義. hanging down (as from exhaustion or weakness) 片語. cable sag 繩擻度. sagging g 松垂. sagging tendency 下跌趨勢. Sagging moment [力] 下垂力矩;正彎矩. sagging belly 垂腹. sagging plate 隔板. spray sagging 噴釉波紋. cable sagging 繩擻度. undue sagging 過度下陷. sagging axle 垂彎軸. 相似詞. droop 使…下垂. flag 標示;疲乏,減弱;熱情衰退;引起對……的注意;揮旗指示走某個方向;指示汽車停下;用標簽做記號. hang 懸掛;暫停,中止.

  6. vt. 使下垂. n. 下陷;下彎;下垂 [U] [S] [(+in)] The chair seat had a slight sag. 椅子的座位略微下陷。 Dr.eye 譯典通. sagged. sag的動詞過去式、過去分詞. Dr.eye 譯典通. sags. sag的名詞複數. Dr.eye 譯典通. sag. vi. 凹陷; 下垂; 下彎. n. 下陷....

  7. sagging的中文意思翻譯n. 下垂[沉,陷],松垂,垂度; v. 向下凹或中間下陷( sag的現在分詞 ); 鬆弛或不整齊地懸著。sagging的中文翻譯、sagging的發音、柯林斯釋義、用法、sagging的近義詞、反義詞和雙語例句等。

  8. 1. To sink, in the middle, by its weight or under applied pressure, below a horizontal line or plane; as, a line or cable supported by its ends sags, though tightly drawn ; the floor of a room sags; hence, to lean, give way, or settle from a vertical position; as, a building may sag one way or another; a door sags on its hinges .