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    KK [ˋskræmb!]

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 爬行,攀爬[Q] The children scrambled over the rocks. 孩子們爬過岩石。
    • 2. 不規則地生長,雜亂蔓延

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 雜亂地收集,倉促湊成[(+up)] Jane scrambled up her hair. 珍匆匆梳理了一下頭髮。
    • 2. 擾亂

    n.[C] 可數名詞

    • 1. 爬行,攀登[S1] It's quite a scramble to get to the mountaintop. 費勁攀登才能到達山頂。
    • 2. 爭奪,搶奪[S1][(+for)][+to-v] There was a scramble for the best seats. 大家爭搶最好的位置。

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  2. SCRAMBLE翻譯:快速移動, (急速而艱難地)移動;爬;攀登, 爭搶, 混合, 打亂(單詞或字母使之不再有任何含義), 炒蛋, 改變信號, 對(無線電或電話信號)作擾頻(或倒頻)處理(使只有透過專門設備才能接收)…。了解更多。

  3. SCRAMBLE翻译:快速移动, (急速而艰难地)移动;爬;攀登, 争抢, 混合, 打乱(单词或字母使之不再有任何含义), 炒蛋, 改变信号, 对(无线电或电话信号)作扰频(或倒频)处理(使只有通过专门设备才能接收)…。了解更多。

  4. 爬行,攀爬 [Q];不規則地生長,雜亂蔓延. vt. 雜亂地收集,倉促湊成 [(+up)];擾亂. n. [C] 爬行,攀登 [S1];爭奪,搶奪 [S1] [(+for)] [+to-v] 過去式:scrambled 過去分詞:scrambled 現在分詞:scrambling. 名詞複數:scrambles. 釋義.

  5. SCRAMBLE的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to move or climb quickly but with difficulty, often using your hands to help you: 2. to compete…。了解更多。

  6. scramble中文意思::攀緣…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋scramble的中文翻譯,scramble的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。You learn to scramble and move quickly .你要學會搶先,動作要快。I can easily whip you up some scrambled eggs .我馬上就能給你炒點

  7. 包含"Scramble"的句子的意思. Q: scramble 是什麼意思. A: It can mean many things, “mix up” like scrambling eggs. Or clumsily climbing up something. “I scrambled up the hill”. It is also used as a military order for fighter jets to take action. “Scramble the jets and attack”. 查看更多回答. Q: scrambled over是什麼 ...

  8. She managed to scramble out of the vehicle as it burst into flames. The latest machines scramble the messages. There was a mad scramble for the back seat. a short scramble to the top of the hill. in their scramble for top spot in the charts. the scramble for jobs. the scramble to the top of the cliffs. to scramble for.

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