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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. 賣弄, 炫耀 Don't take any notice of him, he's just showing off. 別理他, 他只不過是在賣弄罷了。

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  2. show something/someone off. phrasal verb with show verb uk / ʃəʊ / us / ʃoʊ / showed | shown. to show something or someone you are proud of to other people, so that they will admire it, him, or her. 炫耀;夸耀. She likes to wear short skirts to show off her legs.

  3. show off (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 shows off,現在分詞 showing off,過去式 showed off,過去分詞 shown off) ( 及物 , 俗語 ) 將某事物最好的部分 展示 出來 Grocery stores show off their produce by placing the most attractive specimens in front.

  4. 动词短语. If you say that someone is showing off, you are criticizing them for trying to impress people by showing in a very obvious way what they can do or what they own. [disapproval] All right, there's no need to show off. [VERB PARTICLE] He had been showing off for her at the poker table. [VERB PARTICLE] 2. 动词短语.

  5. 名詞 [ 編輯] show - off (複數 show-offs) 愛 賣弄 、 炫耀 能力者. Quit being such a show-off, before someone gets hurt. 別在那賣弄了,小心傷到人。.

  6. 英语. 中文. show off vi phrasal. informal (behave boastfully) (非正式用语) SC. Simplified Chinese. 炫耀,显摆 xuàn yào,xiǎn bǎi. 备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a noun. He's showing off to impress her.

  7. This is a great opportunity for all kids to show off at using Chinese! 这是一个让小朋友,大朋友用中文展现才艺及同乐的机会. 期刊摘选. He tore apart a book to show off his strength. 他一把将书撕开,以显示他的力气. 期刊摘选. Although he wants to make a hit, I think he hasn't got much to show off. 虽然 ...

  8. show off中文意思::炫耀…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋show off的中文翻譯,show off的發音,三態,音標, 用法和造句等。 简体版 English Hindi 日本語 Definition Francais Indonesia 한국어 Русский ไทย Việt 登入 註冊 網站工具 設為首頁 收藏本站 英語翻譯 ...

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