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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ˋsʌkɚ]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 吮吸者
    • 2. 易受騙的人 They swindled that sucker out of his money. 他們詐取那個笨蛋的錢。

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 長出根出條;成為吸根

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. (為有利植物生長)從……除去吸根

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  2. SUCKER翻譯:吸附裝置, (動物或物體的)吸盤, 吸盤(suction cup的非正式說法), 植物的部分, (從植物的根部、主莖等長出的)吸根,吸枝, 蠢人, 容易上當的人;輕信的人, 物或人…。了解更多。

  3. SUCKER翻译:吸附装置, (动物或物体的)吸盘, 吸碗,吸盘(suction cup的非正式说法), 植物的部分, (从植物的根部、主茎等长出的)吸根,根出条, 蠢人, 容易上当的人;轻信的人, 物或人…。了解更多。

  4. 这种语境下,sucker 的用法类似于shit。句例: [1] I've been working on that paper for weeks and almost have the sucker finished. [2] My car won't start again, and hopefully between the two of us we can figure out how to make that sucker work. 3.2. 它还有两个

  5. SUCKER的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. something that helps an animal or object to stick to a surface: 2. informal for suction cup 3…。了解更多。

  6. vi. 1. 長出根出條;成為吸根. vt. 1. (為有利植物生長)從……除去吸根. n. 易上當的人 he made a real sucker out of you 他把你當傻瓜耍了 to be a sucker for sth. 不由得對某事物入迷.

  7. "sucker" = pejorative (insulting name) for a small, pitiable/irritating creature So, "you're a mean little sucker" = you are a small, violent creature It is like an expression. "Mosquitoes are mean little suckers, aren't they?" "Sucker" can also mean "a gullible person

  8. sucker中文的意思、翻譯及用法:vi. (植物)長出根出條n. (非正式)易受騙的人;(非正式)酷愛……的人;吸盤;吮吸的人(或物);根出條;家伙,玩意兒;(主美,非正式)棒棒糖;亞口魚vt.

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