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    KK [sɚˋtut]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 中世紀男人用外套或大衣

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  2. surtout翻譯:above all, above all, chiefly, esp, especially, mostly。了解更多。

  3. 联想词. mais 可是,但是,然而; aussi 也,同样,一样; justement 正确地,确切地,恰当地; certes 当然,必定,的确; car <英>旅游车; autant 同样,一样多; évidemment 显然,明显地; paradoxalement 反常地,不合常理地,自相矛盾地; quand 什么时候,何时; donc 所以,因而 ...

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. SURTOUT translate: above all, above all, chiefly, esp, especially, mostly. Learn more in the Cambridge French-English Dictionary.

  6. 用於已登出編輯者的頁面 了解更多

  7. surtout adv (majoritairement) mainly, mostly adv À la réunion, il y avait surtout des personnes âgées. It was mainly lots of old people at the meeting. surtout adv (avant toute chose) above all, most importantly, in particular expr first and foremost expr (informal)

  8. surtout (複數 surtouts) 男式外套 1847, Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre, 1st edition, chapter VII, page 109 Yes, I was right: it was Mr. Brocklehurst, buttoned up in a surtout, and looking longer, narrower, and more rigid than ever ...

  9. surtout翻译:above all, above all, chiefly, esp, especially, mostly。了解更多。