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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [θro]

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 投,擲,拋,扔[O1][(+at/to)] She threw me a towel. 她丟給我一條毛巾。
    • 2. 使突然陷入;把……投進[Q][(+into)] The news threw the family into a panic. 這個消息使那一家人頓時陷入驚恐不安。

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 投,擲,拋,扔 The young athlete throws well. 那個年輕運動員投擲得很好。

    n.[C] 可數名詞

    • 1. 投擲
    • 2. 投距,射程 My nephew lives only a stone's throw from my house. 我姪子住得離我家很近。

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  2. 投,擲,拋,扔 [O1] [(+at/to)] She threw me a towel. 她丟給我一條毛巾。. The boy threw a stone at the dog. 那男孩對狗丟石頭。. 2. 使突然陷入;把……投進 [Q] [(+into)] The news threw the family into a panic. 這個消息使那一家人頓時陷入驚恐不安。. 3....

  3. 内容. THROW翻译:投, 投;拋;擲;扔, 快速移動, 猛推;猛動, 使困惑, 使困惑;使驚訝;難住, 聚會,派對, 憤怒, 成形, (在拉坯輪上)把…拉成坯, 投擲, 投;擲, 每次, (用於沙發等上的)薄毯。. 了解更多。.

  4. throw n 1: the act of throwing (propelling something with a rapid movement of the arm and wrist); "the catcher made a good throw to second base" 2: a single chance or instance; "he couldn't afford $50 a throw" 3: the maximum movement available to a or

  5. throw in the towel v expr figurative, informal (give up, admit defeat) (比喻,非正式用语) SC Simplified Chinese 投降 tóu xiáng TC Traditional Chinese 投降 David knew he'd lost the match, but he refused to throw in the towel. throw [sb] off center (US), throw [sb]

  6. To fling, cast, or hurl with a certain whirling motion of the arm, to throw a ball; -- distinguished from to toss, or to bowl. 2. To fling or cast in any manner ; to drive to a distance from the hand or from an engine ; to propel ; to send ; as , to throw stones or dust with the hand ; a cannon throws a ball ; a fire engine throws a stream of ...

  7. 扔、投. [简体]: 掷 [电子电机工程] [正體]: 擲 [電子電機工程] 正體: 投 [電機工程] 正體: 丟擲 [自由軟體] 简体: 扔 [自由软体] 分類 : . 英語1音節詞. 有國際音標的英語詞.

  8. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供throw的中文意思,throw的用法讲解,throw的读音,throw的同义词,throw的反义词,throw的例句等英语服务。.

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