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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ʌnˋsjutəb!]

    a. 形容詞

    • 1. 不合適的;不適宜的;不相稱的 This area is unsuitable for heavy industry. 該地區不適宜發展重工業。

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  2. unsuitable. adjective. uk / ʌnˈsuː.tə.b ə l / / ʌnˈsjuː.tə.b ə l / us / ʌnˈsuː.t̬ə.b ə l /. Add to word list Add to word list. B2. not acceptable or right for someone or something; not suitable. 不適宜的;不合適的. The software blocks material that is unsuitable for children. 這個軟體會封鎖不適宜兒童的 ...

  3. Completely unsuitable candidates were screened out at the first interview. The programme's subject matter was quite unsuitable for children. Time after time she gets herself involved in relationships with unsuitable men. We were intending to walk up Ben Nevis .

  4. adj. 不合適的;不適宜的;不相稱的. 釋義. 同反義. adj. 形容詞. 1. 不合適的;不適宜的;不相稱的 This area is unsuitable for heavy industry. 該地區不適宜發展重工業。.

  5. unsuitable. adjective. uk / ʌnˈsuː.tə.b ə l / / ʌnˈsjuː.tə.b ə l / us / ʌnˈsuː.t̬ə.b ə l /. Add to word list. Add to word list. B2. not acceptable or right for someone or something; not suitable: The software blocks material that is unsuitable for children. 同義詞.

  6. unsuitable. /ʌnˈsuːtəbl/. 形容詞. 不適宜的;不合適的. "unsuitable" 例句. I shouldn't have worn these shoes today — they're totally unsuitable for hiking. 我今天不該穿這雙鞋的。. 這雙鞋超級不適合健行。. "unsuitable" 相關課程教材.

  7. unsuitably翻譯:不合適的。了解更多。 The report stated that the aircraft was fundamentally unstable and unsuitably designed for the purpose, and that for that reason any amount of modification would not make it more stable.

  8. 『欧路词典』为您提供unsuitable的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的unsuitable的中文意思,unsuitable的读音,unsuitable的同义词,unsuitable的反义词,unsuitable的例句。