Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ˋwɪtɪ]

    a. 形容詞

    • 1. 機智的;說話風趣的
    • 2. 措辭巧妙的;詼諧

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  2. WITTY翻譯:風趣的,詼諧的。了解更多。 The often witty and insightful introduction and coda attest to a meticulous concern with creating textual coherence through the volume as a whole.

  3. B2. using words in a clever and funny way. 风趣的,诙谐的. a witty comment / remark 风趣的评论/话语. He was witty and very charming. 他既风趣又很有魅力。. 减少例句. Her music is witty, ironic and allusive. It was obvious from their witty intimacies that they had been good friends for many years.

  4. witty是一个形容词,意思是机智幽默的,大小写变形是Witty。本网页提供了witty的释义、音标、读音、词态变化、人工翻译、实用场景、真题例句和相关词语,帮助你了解和使用这个词。你还可以查看witty的词语组词和相关词语,如wittier、wittily等。

  5. witty的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. using words in a clever and funny way: 2. using words in a smart and funny way: 3. using words…。 了解更多。 詞典

  6. witty 的形容詞最高級 Dr.eye 譯典通 更多解釋 witty IPA[ˈwɪti] 美式 英式 adj. 風趣的; 妙趣橫生的 牛津中文字典 witty 富於機智的,詼諧的 PyDict 服務中心 建議 ...

  7. 其他人也問了

  8. Learn the meaning, pronunciation, synonyms, and usage of the word witty, which means amusing in a clever way. See sentences from The Guardian and other sources that illustrate the word witty in different contexts.

  9. B2. using words in a clever and funny way. 風趣的,詼諧的. a witty comment / remark 風趣的評論/話語. He was witty and very charming. 他既風趣又很有魅力。. 减少例句. Her music is witty, ironic and allusive. It was obvious from their witty intimacies that they had been good friends for many years.

  1. 其他人也搜尋了