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  1. › wiki › X-rayX-ray - Wikipedia

    In many languages, it is referred to as Röntgen radiation, after the German scientist Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, who discovered it in 1895 [1] and named it X-radiation to signify an unknown type of radiation. [2] X-ray wavelengths are shorter than those of ultraviolet rays and longer than those of gamma rays.

  2. X射線(英語: X-ray ),又称X光、愛克斯射線、愛克斯光,也稱作倫琴射線或倫琴光( Röntgen radiation ),清朝時曾稱照骨術 [1],是一种波长范围在0.01纳米到10纳米之间,对应频率范围 3 × 10 16 Hz 至 3 × 10 19 Hz、能量范围100 eV至100 keV的电磁辐射

  3. X-ray CT 是利用X光的穿透性,以360度拍攝千百張物體的2D影像,再透過電腦斷層技術重組成一個立體的3D透視影像,可完整地看到物體內部複雜的結構、氣孔、裂縫等。. 工業上的X-ray CT ,又常以其他名稱來描述,如X光檢查機、CT scan、3D掃描、X光影像檢測設備….

  4. 超高解析度 3D X-ray 顯微鏡 (High Resolution 3D X-ray Microscope) 是以非破壞性 X 射線透視的技術,搭配光學物鏡提高放大倍率進行。 實驗過程先將待測物體固定後進行360°旋轉,同時收集多張不同角度的 2D X-ray穿透影像,利用電腦運算重構出待測物體之實體影像。

  5. X-ray 繞射基礎原理介紹 口述: 王如春 教授 整理: 侯崇平、黃暄文、陳信宏、許子倫 1.X 光的發現 2.X 光的產生 3.X 光繞射基礎理論 4. 晶體的性質 5. 群論 (Group Theory) 6. 晶體的堆積 7. 光行進時釋放的電磁波照射原子產生繞射光 8. 影響 X 光產生繞射強度的因素

  6. 2024年4月9日 · X-ray, electromagnetic radiation of extremely short wavelength and high frequency, with wavelengths ranging from about 10^-8 to 10^-12 metre. The passage of X-rays through materials, including biological tissue, can be recorded. Thus, analysis of X-ray images of the body is a valuable medical diagnostic tool.

  7. 2024年1月20日 · Overview. An X-ray is a quick, painless test that captures images of the structures inside the body — particularly the bones. X-ray beams pass through the body. These beams are absorbed in different amounts depending on the density of the material they pass through.

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