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    • 1. 【諺】有什麼心願就有什麼想法

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  2. Prov. People sometimes come to believe something that they wish were true. Jane hoped that her boss would resign, and the wish was father to the thought. Soon she had told everyone in the office that she was sure her boss was leaving. See also: father, thought, to, wish.

  3. Origin of: Wish is father to the thought. Wish is father to the thought. The wish is father to the thought means that a thought or belief is sometimes prompted a desire for it to be so, and was coined by Shakespeare in Henry IV Part II, Act IV, Scene V. “Thy wish was father, Harry, to that thought.”

  4. The saying "The wish is father to the thought" suggests that the way we think may depend on. a. things that are further away. b. what we want to happen. c. how our parents think. See Saying of the Day today. Contributor: Josef Essberger. Next saying: There are two sides to every question.

  5. 2011年4月20日 · The wish is father to the thought. 有愿望就有信念。 更多英语 谚语. A fool can ask more questions than seven wise men can answer. Old bees yield no honey. Speaking without thinking is shooting without taking aim. Pleasure has a sting in its tail. 分享按钮. 中国日报网英语点津版权说明:凡注明来源为“中国日报网英语点津:XXX(署名)”的原创作品,除与中国日报网签署英语点津内容授权协议的网站外,其他任何网站或单位未经允许不得非法盗链、转载和使用,违者必究。

  6. The wish is father to the thought. We soon believe what we want to believe. In World War II we called it ‘wishful thinking’, which is defined in The shorter Oxford English Dictionary as ‘n illusory state of mind towards events which is coloured by one’s wishes concerning the future, especially as to what one hopes will happen.’.

  7. "The Wish Was Father To The Thought" PDF Cite Share. Context: After the defeat of the rebellious barons, King Henry gathers his sons around him. Then he falls into a fit of apoplexy and is...

  8. "the wish is father to the thought" 中文翻譯 : 每易信之為真; 所望之事; 愿望是思想之父; 愿望為思想之父. "the wish is farther to the thought" 中文翻譯 : 心有所欲,腦有所思. "a wish" 中文翻譯 : 禮物. "is wish that" 中文翻譯 : 有希望. "the wish" 中文翻譯 : 愿望. "wish" 中文翻譯 : vt. 1.希望,但愿〔以略去 that 的從句作賓語〕。 I wish (that) it would rain. 我希望會下雨 (就好了)。 I wish I were a bird! 我要是一只鳥那多好。