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  1. ACCEPTING翻譯:包容的。了解更多。 By simply accepting the midlevel principles, teasing out their implications, deriving appropriate rules, and applying the rules, one can accomplish the functional end of ethics.

  2. ACCEPT翻譯:接受, 接受;收受;領受, 接受(提議或邀請);同意, 贊同, (對…滿意而)接受,接納;歡迎, 相信, 相信;(認為真實而)接受。. 了解更多。.

  3. accepting的 例句. accepting. Accepting that pain and illness are involved can, however, be very well accommodated in the model, and this is particularly true for the housing factors. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus.

  4. 及物動詞. 1. 接受,領受;答應,同意 He has accepted our invitation. 他已經接受了我們的邀請。. 2. 承認,認可 [(+as)] [O2] [+that] The astronaut accepts danger as being part of the job. 太空人承認他們的工作中包含著危險。. 3. 相信 [+that] He wouldn't accept that smoking was detrimental to health.

  5. I expected my parents to be upset, but they were very accepting of my decision to leave college. 我原本預期我爸媽會很生氣,但結果他們非常接受我要離開大學的決定。 "accepting" 相關課程教材

  6. accepting of [sth/sb] adj + prep. (tolerant of [sth]) SC. Simplified Chinese. 包容. This community is accepting of people of all cultures and backgrounds. 有所遗漏?. 报告错误或提出改进建议. WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

  7. accept (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 accepts,現在分詞 accepting,一般過去時及過去分詞 accepted) ( 及物 ) 接受 ( 及物 ) 歡迎 , 贊同

  8. acceptation, accepted, acceptee, accepter, acceptilation, accepting, acceptive, acceptor, acceretion, access, 历史记录. 『欧路词典』为您提供accepting的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的accepting的中文意思,accepting的读音,accepting的同义词,accepting的反义词,accepting的例句。.

  9. accept. /ækˈsɛpt/. 動詞. 接受. "accept" 例句. Since announcing my candidacy, I have not accepted any political contributions. 自從宣布我要參選後,我就不接受任何政治獻金。. I refused to accept any money for helping paint my friend's house. 我拒絕接受幫我朋友油漆房子的費用。.

  10. 1. tolerating without protest; "always more accepting of coaching suggestion than her teammates". "the atmosphere was judged to be more supporting and accepting ". 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供accepting的中文意思,accepting的用法讲解,accepting的读音,accepting的同义词,accepting的反义词,accepting的例句等英语 ...

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