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  1. Accompany 的意思是「陪同」或「伴隨」,通常 accompany 的意思並不是單純的「陪伴」,而更帶有「陪同某人做某件事」之意,我們先看看幾個例句~ The gentleman accompanied Charlene to her dorm room after the date. 約會結束後,那位紳士陪同 Charlene 回她的宿舍門前。 Two bodyguards accompanied the supermodel when she stepped out of the limo. 那位名模踏出禮車時,有兩位保鏢陪同著。 除了主動的用法之外,accompany 也可以使用被動的用法~ 當我們想表達「由某人陪同」,強調自己是「被他人陪伴」時,可以加上 by 這個介系詞!

  2. ACCOMPANYING翻譯伴隨的陪伴的一起發生或存在了解更多

  3. formal. to go with someone to a social event or to an entertainment. 陪同,陪伴(某人參加社交或文娛活動) accompany someone to something "May I accompany you to the ball ?" he asked her. 「我可以陪您去參加舞會嗎? 」他問她。 I have two tickets for the theatre on Saturday evening - would you like to accompany me? 「我有兩張週六晚上的戲票,你願意陪我一起去嗎? 减少例句.

  4. 2020年10月29日 · accompany也有「陪同;陪伴;伴隨」的意思,但用法卻不一樣喔! 根據字典,這個字的解釋為「to go with as an associate or companion(作為同事或同伴一起去)」,因此比起單純強調「靜態陪伴」的comapny,accompany多了go「去、前往」的意思。

  5. 2017年9月1日 · Accompany這個字意思是陪伴、伴隨,是及物動詞, 不需要用with 。 要用with,可以說"I will go with you."(我和你一起去。 2.他堅持要陪她去機場. (X)He insisted on accompanying her to go to the airport. (O)He insisted on accompanying her to the...

  6. to go with someone or to be provided or exist at the same time as something: accompanied by The course books are accompanied by four CDs. Depression is almost always accompanied by insomnia. The salmon was accompanied by (= served with) a fresh green salad. formal. to show someone how to get to somewhere:

  7. 1. 陪同,伴隨 He wished her to accompany him. 他希望她陪他。 2. 隨著……發生,伴有 Lightning usually accompanies thunder. 閃電通常伴著 ...