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    KK [əˋmæs]

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 積聚(財富),積累 Before he was forty he amassed a large fortune. 他在四十歲之前已積聚了一大筆財富。
    • 2. 堆積 He amassed his papers for burning. 他把文件集攏來燒毀。

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  2. 常州市艾迈斯电子有限公司——专注于大电流锂电过载连接技术,研发生产大电流连接器插头,拥有锂电池插头专利60余项。十几年来研发设计了上百种大电流连接器,广泛应用于各大锂电设备行业:电动工具,代步工具,储能,电动车,航模无人机等。

  3. AMASS翻譯:集聚,積累,大量收集(尤指錢或資訊)。了解更多。

  4. amass中文的意思、翻譯及用法:vt. 積聚,積累。英漢詞典提供【amass】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

  5. 1. 積聚(財富),積累 Before he was forty he amassed a large fortune. 他在四十歲之前已積聚了一大筆財富。. 2. 堆積 He amassed his papers for burning. 他把文件集攏來燒毀。. 同義詞. vt. 累積,聚積.

  6. amass中文意思::收集…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋amass的中文翻譯,amass的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。amass in Hindi amass 意味 amass meaning amass en francais amass artinya amassamass перевод amass แปล amass là gì amassとは意味:amass v. 蓄積する.【副詞1】 He slowly amassed the capital necessary to buy out the company.

  7. AMASS翻译:集聚,积累,大量收集(尤指钱或信息)。了解更多。

  8. amass的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to get a large amount of something, especially money or information, by collecting it over a…。了解更多。

  9. amass v 1: collect or gather; "Journals are accumulating in my office"; "The work keeps piling up" [syn: {}, {}, {conglomerate}, {pile up}, {}, {}] 2: get or gather together; "I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife"; "She is a lot of

  10. 台灣代理商正版 AMASS XT-90 (XT90)耐電流持續 90A;瞬間電流 120A XT90 是一款革命性的產品,由 AMASS 獨家設計並申請專利,所以每個插頭都印有 AMASS 字樣,消費者選購時請認明 AMASS 商標 *** 請認明原廠防偽商標 AMASS 才是正版 XT90 *** 避免購買到仿冒劣質品造成危險 ...

  11. accumulate, amass, collect, gather, heap, pile 这些动词均含"积聚,聚集,积累"之意。accumulate :几乎可用于指任何事物量的增加,侧重连续不断地,一点一滴地聚积。amass :着重大量地积聚,尤指对如金钱、珠宝等有价值东西的大量积聚。

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