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  1. 2023年10月21日 · Treatment. Anxiety attack symptoms typically include a sudden onset of shortness of breath, heart palpitations, uncontrollable thoughts, and feelings of panic. They occur with an episode of extreme and excessive worry, discomfort, or fear, lasting anywhere from a few seconds to 15 minutes or longer.

  2. 解釋文. 焦慮是什麼? 6大焦慮症的症狀、原因、治療. 什麼是焦慮? 焦慮是人類正常的情緒反應,多數人在某些情況都會感到焦慮、緊張或不安,像是大考前、工作遇到麻煩、或是做重大決定時,都會有這種情緒。 但是過度地焦慮,則可能演變成焦慮症 (Anxiety disorder),對患者產生極大的壓力,嚴重甚至會失去正常生活的能力。 根據 中央研究院 統計分析,發現自 1990~2010 年間,台灣焦慮和 憂鬱症 (Depression)患者比例倍增,根據 世界衛生組織 (WHO)指出,憂鬱症是造成人類失能的第一大原因,更是造成疾病負擔 (GBD)的主要疾病之一。 現代人的精神健康狀況,絕對不可忽視。 以下將介紹什麼是焦慮? 告訴你焦慮症的六大類型,還有其症狀和治療。 焦慮症的生理症狀.

  3. 2022年8月24日 · Symptoms. Diagnosis. Causes. Treatment. What Is an Anxiety Attack? An anxiety attack is a sudden and intense episode of fear and anxiety. Anxiety attacks can occur unexpectedly for no apparent reason, but they can also be linked to specific triggers. “Anxiety attack” is not a formal, clinical term.

  4. 2018年5月4日 · Often, anxiety disorders involve repeated episodes of sudden feelings of intense anxiety and fear or terror that reach a peak within minutes (panic attacks). These feelings of anxiety and panic interfere with daily activities, are difficult to control, are out of proportion to the actual danger and can last a long time.

  5. 2024年1月2日 · Causes. Complications. Treatment. Summary. Anxiety can cause physical symptoms, which people may describe as an anxiety attack. Symptoms of an anxiety attack may include faster breathing,...

  6. 2023年8月15日 · The symptoms of an anxiety attack, or “panic attack,” are often severe and debilitating. One second you feel fine and the next you’re spiraling out of control. It’s easy to confuse this phenomenon with a heart attack or an asthma attack because of the physical symptoms; however, fear is a key factor.

  7. 2022年7月2日 · 惊恐发作通常包括以下一些体征或症状: 感觉到即将到来的厄运或危险. 害怕失去控制或死亡. 快速、剧烈的心跳. 出汗. 发抖或颤抖. 呼吸急促或咽喉发紧. 寒战. 潮热. 恶心. 腹部痉挛. 胸部疼痛. 头痛. 头晕、头重脚轻和昏厥. 麻木感或刺痛感.

  8. 2023年9月27日 · People with an anxiety disorder may experience excessive fear or worry about a specific situation (for example, a panic attack or social situation) or, in the case of generalized anxiety disorder, about a broad range of everyday situations.

  9. 2018年5月4日 · Have you ever had a panic attack? Do you avoid certain things or situations because they make you anxious? Have your feelings of anxiety been occasional or continuous? When did you first begin noticing your feelings of anxiety? Does anything in particular

  10. 2023年12月21日 · Symptoms. There are several different anxiety disorders, which can present with different symptoms. Typical symptoms of anxious feelings include the following: restlessness. uncontrollable...