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    • 1. 易於(做...), 有...傾向 We are all apt to make a mistake. 我們大家都易犯錯誤。

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  2. APT翻譯:適當的, 適當的,恰當的;合適的, 很可能的, 聰明的, 天資聰明的,有天賦的;聰明的, 公寓(apartment的縮寫)。. 了解更多。.

  3. 基本可以换用。. On the matter I tend/incline to your opinion. 在这个问题上,我倾向你的观点。. In my eyes, his views on many problems tend/incline towards the extreme. 依我看来,他在许多问题上的看法过于偏激。. ——————. apt 是形容词, 多用于口语,常指固有的或习惯性的倾向 ...

  4. 其他人也問了

  5. APT翻译:适当的, 适当的,恰当的;合适的, 很可能的, 聪明的, 天资聪明的,有天赋的;聪明的, 公寓(apartment的缩写)。了解更多。

  6. APT definition: 1. suitable or right for a particular situation: 2. to be likely to do something or to often do…. Learn more.

  7. 1. 易於 (做...), 有...傾向 We are all apt to make a mistake. 我們大家都易犯錯誤。. 同義詞. 易於 (做...), 有...傾向. be likely to. be apt to. ph. 易於,有…的傾向,很容易…,經常…,動輒,有可能.

  8. 1. 易於……的;有……傾向的; [F] [+to-v] John is apt to be impulsive. 約翰易於衝動。 2. 恰當的,貼切的 It was an apt remark. 這話講得得體。 3. 聰明的,反應敏捷的 [(+at)] He is apt at painting. 他善於繪畫。 更多解釋. apt. IPA [æpt] 美式. 英式....

  9. adjective. /æpt/ suitable or appropriate in the circumstances. a particularly apt description/name/comment. The song would have been more apt for a bass voice. It was a particularly apt name for someone with his skills. That question seemed quite apt in the circumstances. Take your English to the next level.

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    be apt to