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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [əˋʃʊr]

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 向……保證,擔保[(+of)][O5] I can assure you of the reliability of the information. 我向你保證這消息可靠。
    • 2. 使確信,使放心[(+of)][O5] We assured our clients of an enjoyable holiday. 我們使遊客確信準能過一個愉快的假期。

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      • assure verb [T] (MAKE CERTAIN) to make something certain to happen: This loan should assure the company's future. (assure在劍橋學習詞典中的解釋 © Cambridge University Press) assure 的翻譯 中文(繁體) 肯定地說, (尤指為消除其憂慮而)確定地對…說,向…保證,使確信, 讓…放心…詞典/學習英語/assure
  2. ASSURE翻譯肯定地說, (尤指為消除其憂慮而確定地對保證使確信;放心, 使確定, 確保;保障;使確定, 保護, 給…保險。. 了解更多。.

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      assure翻譯:meyakinkan, yakin。了解更多。 What is ...

    • Assured

      ASSURED翻譯:自信的, 自信的;藝高膽大的, 確定, 有把握的 ...

  3. 釋義. 同反義. 相關詞. vt. 及物動詞. 1. 向……保證,擔保 [(+of)] [O5] I can assure you of the reliability of the information. 我向你保證這消息可靠。 The captain of the ship assured the passengers that there was no danger....

  4. assure中文的意思翻譯及用法vt. 保證擔保使確信弄清楚英漢詞典提供assure的詳盡中文翻譯用法例句等

  5. 'assure' 的定义. 词汇频率. assure. (əʃʊəʳ ) 词形 3rd person singular present tense assures , present participle assuring , past tense, past participle assured. 1. 动词. If you assure someone that something is true or will happen, you tell them that it is definitely true or will definitely happen, often in order to make them less worried .

  6. I can assure you that the product will be delivered on time. 我可以跟你保證該商品會準時送達。 The doctor assured me that the procedure is completely painless.