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    KK [ə͵θɔrəˋtɛrɪənɪzəm]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 權力主義;獨裁主義

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  2. 威權主義或权威主義(英語: authoritarianism )是一种政體或意识形态。奉行该主義的人认为政府應要求民眾絕對服從其权威,並限制个人的思想跟言論和行為自由,将權力集中於單一领袖或一小团体,即权威。

  3. Authoritarianism is a political system characterized by the rejection of democracy, civil liberties, and political plurality. It involves the use of strong central power to preserve the political status quo , and reductions in the rule of law , separation of powers , and democratic voting .

  4. 威权主义或权威主义(英语: authoritarianism )是一种政体或意识形态。 奉行该主义的人认为 政府 应要求民众绝对服从其 权威 ,并限制个人的 思想 跟 言论 和 行为自由 ,将权力集中于单一领袖或一小团体,即权威。

  5. 2024年3月28日 · authoritarianism, in politics and government, the blind submission to authority and the repression of individual freedom of thought and action. Authoritarian regimes are systems of government that have no established mechanism for the transfer of executive power and do not afford their citizens civil liberties or political rights.

  6. Quick Reference. A style of government in which the rulers demand unquestioning obedience from the ruled. Traditionally, ‘authoritarians’ have argued for a high degree of determination by governments of belief and behaviour and a correspondingly smaller significance for individual choice.

  7. New research emphasises the need to conceptually differentiate authoritarianism on right and left from conventional conservatism and liberalism. It is therefore argued that authoritarianism is best conceptualised as an intolerant and morally absolutist motive to coercively impose particular values, way of life, and social organisation on ...

  8. 2023年3月3日 · Authoritarianism weakens democratic institutions and fosters societal divisions.