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    KK [ˋbloɪŋ]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 蒸汽或氣體在壓力下從氣孔溢出時所發出之聲音;氣體等通過溶解之金屬所引起之干擾;吹氣法
    • 2. blow的動詞現在分詞、動名詞

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  2. BLOW翻譯:吹氣, 吹;吹動;被吹走, 吹響;吹奏, 吹製(玻璃), 摧毀, 毀掉;炸毀, (使)(保險絲)燒斷, (輪胎)爆開,爆裂, 花費, 揮霍,浪費, 打撃, (用拳頭或武器的)重撃

  3. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供blowing的中文意思,blowing的用法讲解,blowing的读音,blowing的同义词,blowing的反义词,blowing的例句等英语服务。

  4. BLOW翻译:吹气, 吹;吹动;被吹走, 吹响;吹奏, 吹制(玻璃), 摧毁, 毁掉;炸毁, (使)(保险丝)烧断, (轮胎)爆开,爆裂, 花费, 挥霍,浪费, 打击, (用拳头或武器的)重击, 坏事…。. 了解更多。.

  5. B1 [ I or T ] to move and make currents of air, or to be moved or make something move on a current of air: blow away The letter blew away and I had to run after it. blow something down A gale-force wind had blown the fence down . The wind was blowing harder every minute. I blew the dust off the books.

  6. 1. 吹,刮 A breeze blew over the garden. 一陣微風吹過花園。. 2. 吹動;隨風飄動 [Q] The flags were blowing in the wind. 旗幟在隨風飄揚。. 3. 吹響,鳴響;吹奏 We heard the bugles blowing. 我們聽到號角在吹響。.

  7. To blow someone away is to surprise or impress them. 把某人吹走是讓他們感到驚訝或留下深刻印象的意思。. Today we are talking about a simple verb - "to blow." 今天我們要談論一個簡單的動詞— blow。. You can also blow your nose when you are sick. 你生病時也會擤鼻涕。. Or, when you love someone, you ...

  8. dry blowing 干吹 blowing rate風量;速率;鼓風速率 blowing plant壓縮空氣裝置 blowing snow[氣象] 高吹雪,飛雪 steam blowing蒸汽吹掃,蒸汽噴吹法 blowing agent[助劑] 發泡劑 blowing ventilator 通風機 blowing down吹除;停爐;停風 bottle blowing machine

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