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    KK [blɝ]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 模糊;模糊不清的事物[S] Everything becomes a blur when you travel beyond a certain speed. 當你超過一定的速度行進時,一切都變得模模糊糊的。
    • 2. 汙點,汙跡[C] The letter had many blots and blurs. 信上有許多墨水漬和汙跡。

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 使模糊不清,使朦朧 Tears blurred her eyes. 她淚眼模糊。
    • 2. 弄髒;玷汙 I blurred my report by spilling milk on it. 我不小心把牛奶潑了出來,弄髒了報告。

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 變模糊 Her eyes blurred with tears. 他的視線因淚水變得模糊不清。
    • 2. 沾上汙跡

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  2. 成立之初:1988-1991 [ 編輯] Blur的主唱Albarn跟吉他手Coxon是從小就認識的好朋友。. 1988年,兩人到倫敦的 金匠學院 (Goldsmiths college)就讀,他們也就是在這時候認識了Alex James。. [1] 同年的10月,Dave Rowntree以鼓手的身份加入了Circus這個樂團,Albarn正是這個樂團其中的一 ...

  3. BLUR (模糊乐队)是于1989年建立于 英国 科尔切斯特 的摇滚乐队。. 这支乐队是由主唱代蒙·阿尔本(Damon albarn)组建起来的。. 他曾在艺校的录音室中打工,因此后来熟识录音间的操作:贝司手 亚历克斯 · 詹姆斯 (Alex James),吉他手格雷厄穆·考可森(Graham Coxon ...

  4. › wiki › Blur_(band)Blur (band) - Wikipedia

    Blur are an English rock band formed in London in 1988. The band consists of singer Damon Albarn, guitarist Graham Coxon, bass guitarist Alex James and drummer Dave Rowntree. Their debut album, Leisure (1991), incorporated the sounds of Madchester and shoegaze. Following a stylistic change influenced by English guitar pop groups such as the ...

  5. The official music video for Blur - Song 2 Taken from Blur’s 5th studio album ‘Blur’ released in 1997, which featured the hit singles ‘Beetlebum’, ‘Song 2’,...

  6. 摇滚乐等 3 个话题下的优秀答主. 今天要给大家介绍的乐队是——Blur。. 谈到Blur这个乐队,就不得不谈到 Britpop(英伦摇滚) 这个词。. 英美两国的摇滚流行音乐一直在相互较劲,经常都是此起披伏的关系。. 60~70年代,摇滚乐的奠基者The Beatles席卷全球,掀起了 ...

  7. › @blur › videosBlur - YouTube

    Blur - Lonesome Street (Official Music Video) 2.7M views 8 years ago. Blur were formed in 1989 by Damon Albarn, Graham Coxon, Alex James and Dave Rowntree and signed with Food/EMI the same year...

  8. Blur - Official Music Videos Playlist All of Blur's official music videos in one playlist including Song 2, Girls & Boys, Coffee and TV, Parklife, Beetlebum,...

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