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  1. building 相關

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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ˋbɪldɪŋ]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 建築物,房屋[C] I worked in the tallest building in Taibei. 我在臺北最高的大樓上班。
    • 2. 建築;建築術;建築業[U]

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  2. noun. uk / ˈbɪl.dɪŋ / us / ˈbɪl.dɪŋ / Add to word list. A2 [ C ] a structure with walls and a roof, such as a house or factory. 建築物;房屋. The once-empty site was now covered with buildings. 一度空蕩蕩的地方現在布滿了建築物。 同義詞. construction (BUILDING) edifice formal. erection (BUILDING) structure (BUILDING) A2 [ U ]

  3. verb. uk / bɪld / us / bɪld / built | built. Add to word list. A2 [ T or I ] to make something by putting bricks or other materials together. 建造,修建. They're building new houses by the river. 他們正在河邊建新房子。 The birds built their nest in the tree. 鳥兒們在樹上築巢。 These old houses are built (= made) of stone. 這些老房子是用石頭砌的。

  4. building 的意思 —— 學習詞典. noun. uk / ˈbɪldɪŋ / us. building noun (STRUCTURE) A2. a structure with walls and a roof, such as a house, school, etc: an office building. 更多範例. Damage to the building was minimal. They occupy the second floor of the building. Both children escaped unharmed from the burning building.

  5. noun. uk / ˈbɪl.dɪŋ / us / ˈbɪl.dɪŋ / A2 [ C ] a structure with walls and a roof, such as a house or factory. 建筑物;房屋. The once-empty site was now covered with buildings. 一度空荡荡的地方现在布满了建筑物。 A2 [ U ] the process or business of making structures such as houses or factories. 修建,建造;建筑业. building costs 建筑造价.

  6. n. 建筑;建筑物. 英語釋義. the act of constructing or building something; "during the construction we had to take a detour" "his hobby was the building of boats" the occupants of a building; "the entire building complained about the noise" a structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place;

  7. 名詞. 建築物. "building" 例句. This building has a very original design. 這棟建築物的設計非常具獨創性。 Is there a public toilet in this building? 這棟大樓有公共廁所嗎? That building is the post office. 這棟建築是郵局。 "building" 相關課程教材. modern building. 現代建築. 瀏覽教材. traditional building. 傳統建築. 瀏覽教材. apartment building. 公寓大廈. 瀏覽教材.

  8. n. 建築物, 建築. 【法】 營造, 建築, 建築物. 來源(2): 英漢字典 [21c] build. ing . [`bIldIŋ; ˋbildiŋ] 《名詞》 ⑴. ( C )建築物,樓房. ⑵. ⓐ ( U )建築術; 建築,建造. a building contractor . 建築承包商. ⓑ 建築 (用) 的. a building area . 建坪. a building site . 建築用地. 來源(3): 懶蟲英漢詞典 [lazyworm-ec] ['bildiŋ] n . 建築物, 營造物(如房屋,大樓,工廠,船等) 來源(4): pydict data [pydict] building . C建築物,房屋;U建築.

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