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  1. CART OFF ——劍橋英語同義詞詞典,包括同義詞和例句. 同義詞詞典:英語中 cart off 的同義詞和反義詞. cart off. verb. 這些都是與 cart off 相關的單字和片語。 任意點選單字和片語去往同義詞詞典頁面。 或者, REMOVE. Synonyms. take away. take out. dislodge. expel. oust. eject. evacuate. sweep out. carry off. remove. take off. doff. Antonyms. put on. don. put back. join. unite. combine. keep. retain. detain. hold.

  2. informal. Add to word list. to take someone away from a place and transport them somewhere else by using force: The men were arrested and carted off to the police station. He is worried that his family might cart him off to a care home. See. cart. Fewer examples. We watched as the police rounded up the protesters and carted them off.

  3. informal. Add to word list. to take someone away from a place and transport them somewhere else by using force: The men were arrested and carted off to the police station. He is worried that his family might cart him off to a care home. 见. cart. 减少例句. We watched as the police rounded up the protesters and carted them off.

  4. 釋義. vt. 及物動詞. 1. 強行帶走 the police carted her off to the police station 警察把她押到警察局. 更多解釋. cart off. ph. 強行帶走,抓走. PyDict.

  5. cart off. To remove someone or something from a particular place or area, especially roughly or dismissively, typically because it is a nuisance or is going to be discarded. A noun or pronoun can be used between "cart" and "off." The police carted off the burglar after they caught him fleeing the scene of the crime.

  6. (tr, adverb) informal. to carry or remove brusquely or by force. Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. 查看相关内容. 词汇频率. cart off in American English. cart away. to transport or take away in an unceremonious manner. The police came and carted him off to jail. See full dictionary entry for cart.

  7. 1. take away by means of a vehicle; 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供cart off的中文意思,cart off的用法讲解,cart off的读音,cart off的同义词,cart off的反义词,cart off的例句等英语服务。.