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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [tʃɪn]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 頦,下巴[C] She rested her chin on her hand. 她用手撐著下巴。
    • 2. (單槓的)引體向上動作(= chin-up)[C]

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 用下巴夾住(小提琴)
    • 2. 與……聊天

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 聊天,閒談 We sat up all night chinning about college days. 我們整夜長聊大學時代的日子。
    • 2. 作引體向上動作

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  2. CHIN翻譯:下巴,頦。了解更多。 Negative expressions included lip corner depress, upper lip raise, chin raise, lip tighten, lip press, lip biting, nose wrinkle, inner brow raise, and lowered brow.

  3. chin的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. the part of a person's face below their mouth: 2. the part of a person's face below their…。. 了解更多。.

  4. chin的 例句. The observer's head was held in position with a chin rest and forehead bar. The same pieces often have triangular noses and large, round chins. Women usually wore moko on their lips ("kauwae") and chins. They have very strong facial features, including firm jaws, strong chins, and arching necks.

  5. n. 頦,下巴 [C];(單槓的)引體向上動作(= chin -up) [C] vt. 用下巴夾住(小提琴);與……聊天. vi. 聊天,閒談;作引體向上動作. 名詞複數:chins, chin. 過去式:chinned 過去分詞:chinned 現在分詞:chinning. 釋義.

  6. 1.頦,下巴。. 2.〔美俚〕閑談。. 3.【體育】 (單杠)引體向上動作。. 短語和例子. have a chin 〔美國〕聊天。. keep one's chin up 〔口語〕始終精神昂揚,不泄氣,不灰心。. stick one's chin out 暴露自己;自惹麻煩;甘冒風險。. take it on the chin 〔俚語〕吃敗戰,徹底失敗 ...

  7. chin /tʃ'ɪn/ 共發現 10 筆關於 [Chin] 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1): 朗道英漢字典 [langdao-ec] *[tʃin] n. 下巴, 頦 【醫】 頦 相關詞組: have a chin keep one's chin up stick one's chin out take it on the chin up to the chin wag one's chin

  8. 英漢例句. what it「s like : some areas are oily — often the forehead, nose and chin — while others, such as your cheeks, are normal to dry. 皮膚特點:有些部位的皮膚是油性的—通常是前額、鼻子和下巴—而其他部位卻通常是干性的,比如雙頰。. he hurried on with his shaving, cutting his chin twice ...

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