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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [klʌtʃ]

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 抓住;攫取 He clutched the ticket in his hand. 他將票子緊緊抓在手裡。

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 抓,攫[(+at)] A drowning man will clutch at a straw. 快溺死的人連一根稻草也要抓。

    n.[C] 可數名詞

    • 1. 爪子;手;掌握,控制[P1] He fell into the clutches of the criminal gang. 他落到了犯罪集團的魔爪中。
    • 2. 抓住;攫取[S1]

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  2. to take or try to take hold of something tightly, usually in fear, worry, or pain. (通常指因恐懼、焦慮或痛苦而)緊抓,緊握. Silent and pale, she clutched (onto) her mother's hand. 她一聲不吭,面色蒼白,死死抓著母親的手。 Clutching the money to his chest, he hurried to the bank. 他把錢緊緊捂在胸前,急急忙忙趕到了銀行。 He collapsed, clutching his stomach. 他緊緊捂著肚子,倒了下去。 片語動詞. clutch at something. noun.

  3. CLUTCH的意思解釋及翻譯1. to take or try to take hold of something or someone tightly, usually in fear, worry, or pain…。了解更多。

  4. CLUTCH翻译:(通常指因恐懼焦慮或痛苦而緊抓緊握, 機器零件, 離合器, 離合器踏板;離合器手柄, 群, (尤指鳥巢裡的)一窩蛋, (人或物)一小群,一簇,一撮, 控制…。

  5. CLUTCH翻译:(通常指因恐惧焦虑或痛苦而紧抓紧握, 机器部件, 离合器, 离合器踏板;离合器手柄, 群, (尤指鸟巢里的)一窝蛋, (人或物)一小群,一簇,一撮, 控制…。

  6. 1. 抓,攫 [(+at)] A drowning man will clutch at a straw. 快溺死的人連一根稻草也要抓。 n. [C] 可數名詞. 1. 爪子;手;掌握,控制 [P1] He fell into the clutches of the criminal gang. 他落到了犯罪集團的魔爪中。 2. 抓住;攫取 [S1] 3....

  7. clutch中文的意思翻譯及用法v. 緊握;(因害怕或痛苦突然抓住突然感到恐懼n. 離合器(踏板);一群;控制;緊握;一窩蛋;女式無帶手提包adj. 緊要關頭的。英漢詞典提供【clutch】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

  8. 动词. If you clutch at something or clutch something, you hold it tightly, usually because you are afraid or anxious . I staggered and had to clutch at a chair for support. [VERB + at] She was clutching a photograph. [VERB noun] 同义词: seize, catch, grab, grasp clutch 的更多同义词. 2. 复数名词 [usually with poss]