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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [͵kɑmpənˋseʃən]

    n.[U] 不可數名詞

    • 1. 補償,彌補;賠償[(+for/on)] Tom gave me a new knife as compensation for the one he lost. 湯姆給了我一把新刀,算是賠償那把被他丟失的刀。
    • 2. 賠償金;補償金[S1][(+for)] Did you get any compensation when you were dismissed from your job? 你被解僱時有沒有拿到補助金?

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  2. [ U ] money that is paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some problem. 賠償金;補償金. She received £40,000 in compensation for a lost eye. 她得到四萬英鎊,作為對失去一隻眼睛的賠償。 You should claim / seek compensation. 你應該要求賠償。 a compensation claim 索賠要求. 减少例句.

  3. 1. 補償,彌補;賠償 [(+for/on)] Tom gave me a new knife as compensation for the one he lost. 湯姆給了我一把新刀,算是賠償那把被他丟失的刀。 2. 賠償金;補償金 [S1] [(+for)] Did you get any compensation when you were dismissed from...

  4. to provide something good or useful in place of something or to make someone feel better about something that has failed or been lost or missed. 彌補,補償. Nothing will ever compensate for his lost childhood. 甚麼也不能彌補他失去的童年。 His enthusiasm more than compensates for his lack of experience. 他的熱情大大彌補了經驗的不足。

  5. [ U ] money that is paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some problem. 赔偿金;补偿金. She received £40,000 in compensation for a lost eye. 她得到4万英镑,作为对失去一只眼睛的赔偿。 You should claim / seek compensation. 你应该要求赔偿。 a compensation claim 索赔要求. 减少例句.

  6. noun. uk / ˌkɒm.penˈseɪ.ʃ ə n / us / ˌkɑːm.penˈseɪ.ʃ ə n / compensation noun (MONEY) Add to word list. [ U ] money that is paid to someone in exchange for something that has been lost or damaged or for some problem. 賠償金;補償金. She received £40,000 in compensation for a lost eye. 她得到四萬英鎊,作為對失去一隻眼睛的賠償。 You should claim / seek compensation. 你應該要求賠償。

  7. compensation 的中文翻譯 | 英漢字典. compensation /k, ɑmpəns'eʃən/ . 共發現 14 筆關於 [compensation] 的資料 (解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1): 朗道英漢字典 [langdao-ec] *[,kɒmpen'seiʃәn] n. 補償, 賠償金, 工資. 【醫】 代償(機能), 補償. 【經】 補償, 賠償金(物), 對交報酬. 來源(2): 英漢字典 [21c] com. pen. sa. tion . [ˏkɑmpәn`sєʃәn; ˏkɒmpєnˋsєiʃn] 《compensate 的名詞》《名詞》 ⑴. ⓐ ( U )補償,賠償,彌補,償還,抵償[ for ]

  8. 2015年11月2日 · 荷包要飽飽,Compensation 是關鍵. 「薪水」除了pay,還有幾個常用字:wage、salary。 wage可指月薪或工讀生的支薪,salary通常指公司每月固定支付的薪資。 廣告. 掌握最新商業議題、獨家分析! 免費訂閱 《商周日報》 例句: Palmforce Technology Ltd. is a company which pays good salaries.(Palmforce 科技有限公司支付很不錯的薪資。 多益測驗 要得高分,只知道 pay、wage、salary 是不夠的。 關於「薪水」,你還要知道 compensation 這個字。

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