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    KK [kənˋfɛʃən]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 承認;坦白,供認;供狀[C][U] Has the thief made a confession yet? 竊賊招供了嗎?
    • 2. 【宗】懺悔;告解[U][C] She is a good Catholic and goes to confession regularly. 她是個虔誠的天主教徒,按時作告罪。

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  2. 包含"Confession"的句子的意思. Q: I have a confession to make.是什麼意思. A: 고백할 게 있어요. 查看更多回答. Q: I want to take confession.是什麼意思. A: In this sentence, confession is a religious act of telling your sins (what you have done wrong). So, the sentence means that they want to do this. 查看更多回答.

  3. confession中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 懺悔,告解;供認;表白。 英漢詞典提供【confession】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

  4. 1. 承認;坦白,供認;供狀 [C] [U] Has the thief made a confession yet? 竊賊招供了嗎?. 2. 【宗】懺悔;告解 [U] [C] She is a good Catholic and goes to confession regularly. 她是個虔誠的天主教徒,按時作告罪。.

  5. confession 自認,自白,招供 來源(5): 天主教英漢袖珍辭典 [catholic] confession (1) 懺悔聖事 詳見 Confession, Sacrament of 。 (2) 告明 告解五條件之一。 五條件為省察、痛悔、定改、告明、補贖。 (3) 頌揚天主。

  6. Confession 的中文翻譯。英漢字典、漢英字典、和英辭書、英英字典、英漢醫學字典、注音查詢、中文輸入法字典。 Chinese-English / English-Chinese / Japanese-English Dictionary, Webster, WordNet, Chinese input methods Dictionary

  7. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供confession的中文意思,confession的用法讲解,confession的读音,confession的同义词,confession的反义词,confession的例句等英语服务。.

  8. Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: confession [ kənˈfɛʃən ] n. 1 [c/u] (= admission) 坦白 tǎnbái [种 zhǒng ] 2 [c] ( written) 供认 (認)状 (狀) gòngrèn zhuàng [个 gè ] 3 [c/u] ( Rel) 忏 (懺)悔 chànhuǐ [个 gè] to make a confession. 坦白 tǎnbái. to go to confession. ( Rel) 作忏 (懺)悔 zuò ...

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