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    KK [kənˋtræktʃɚ]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 【醫】攣縮

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  2. 2019年10月3日 · Diagnosis and treatment. Possible complications. Prevention. A muscle contracture, or contracture deformity, is the result of stiffness or constriction in the connective tissues of your body. It ...

  3. Introduction. Contractures are generally myogenic and can mimic cramps. Often described by patients as exertional muscle stiffness or muscle cramping after arbitrary movement such as lifting heavy objects for more than a few seconds or after repetitive movements.

  4. 疤痕攣縮 (Scar Contracture) 疤痕的產生,其實是傷口癒合的自然現象,除了有再生能力,非常表淺的表皮層受傷如曬傷,癒合後看不到疤外,其餘深及真皮層,如刀傷、二度以上燒燙傷或超過二、三週才能癒合的傷口,癒合後都會有疤痕,只是程度不同,明不明 ...

  5. Muscle contractures can occur for many reasons, such as paralysis, muscular atrophy, and forms of muscular dystrophy. Fundamentally, the muscle and its tendons shorten, resulting in reduced flexibility. Various interventions can slow, stop, or even reverse muscle contractures, ranging from physical therapy to surgery.

  6. 弗里曼-謝爾頓症候群 所見手部攣縮. 在 病理學 上, 攣縮 是指 肌肉 或 關節 的永久性短縮 [1] ,通常是由於肌肉集中區域的長期 高張性 痙攣狀態 所致,例如在患有 痙攣型腦性癱瘓 等疾病的人最緊張的肌肉中所見,但也可能是由於子宮內肌肉和結締組織的 ...

  7. contracture的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a muscle or other tissue that has become permanently shorter causing a body part, especially a…。了解更多。

  8. Dupuytren挛缩——从默沙东诊疗手册 (大众版)了解病因、症状、诊断及治疗。 (还可以参阅 手部疾病概述 手部疾病概述 手部疾病包括 腱鞘囊肿、 畸形、 神经血管相关疾病、 骨关节炎、 扳机指、 Kienböck 疾病及感染等。 还有一些累及手部及手指的疾病,包括 骨折、其他损伤、 类风湿性关节炎 ...

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