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  1. In business economics cost breakdown analysis is a method of cost analysis, which itemizes the cost of a certain product or service into its various components, the so-called cost drivers. The cost breakdown analysis is a popular cost reduction strategy and a viable opportunity for businesses.

  2. 2024年3月27日 · Key Takeaways. Cost breakdown refers to a method used in financial costing to determine the elements involved in the product, service, task, or project. Different types of breakdown analysis are available, including component, task, and project breakdown. Each takes a similar approach but with a slight difference.

  3. 2013年11月21日 · 什麼是成本結構. 成本結構 亦稱 成本構成 , 產品成本 中各項 費用 (例如,人力、原料、土地、機器設備、信息、通路、技術、能源、資金、政商關係、管理素質等)所占的比例或各成本項目占 總成本 的比重。 當某種生產因素成本占企業總成本比重愈高,該生產因素便成為企業主要風險。 成本結構可以反映產品的生產特點,從各個費用所占比例看,有的大量耗費人工,有的大量耗用材料,有的大量耗費動力,有的大量占用設備引起折舊費用上升等。 成本結構在很大程度上還受技術發展、 生產類型 和生產規模的影響。 分析產品的成本結構,可以尋找進一步降低 成本途徑 。

  4. 2024年2月23日 · Key Takeaways. A cost breakdown structure (CBS) is an extensive framework used in project management to analyze, categorize, and organize the various project costs. This organizational framework provides an extensive analysis of expenditures. The CBS serves as a guide for project managers.

  5. 2017年2月28日 · 第二步成本分解结构Cost Breakdown Structure,简称CBS)。在CBS中,每项环境成本之间都有着明确的成本关系。CBS分解的合适与否直接关系生命周期成本法运用的好坏。 第三步:建立成本卡来明确各阶段发生的所有成本包括环境成本。

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  7. 2023年6月7日 · Cost breakdown analysis is the process of identifying what will determine the price of a product, service or any final project deliverable. Some refer to it as a should-cost analysis. Whatever it’s called, the process finds all the elements that make up the final deliverable and from that determines what it should cost.

  8. COST BREAKDOWN的意思、解釋及翻譯:the process of dividing the cost of something into the different parts that make up the total…。 了解更多。 詞典

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