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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. (完全)蓋住; 遮住, 裹住 Cover yourself up well. It's cold outside. 穿得暖和一些。外面很冷。
    • 2. 掩蓋 How can you cover up your mistake? 你怎麼能把自己的錯誤掩蓋起來呢?

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  2. 英 [ˈkʌvə ʌp] 美 [ˈkʌvɚ ʌp] 释义. 盖起来; 裹住; 掩盖; 掩饰. 大小写变形: Cover Up. 点击 人工翻译 ,了解更多 人工释义. 实用场景例句. 全部. He suspects there's a conspiracy to cover up the crime. 他怀疑有人密谋掩盖犯罪事实。 柯林斯例句. His behaviour is an attempt to cover up his insecurities. 他的行为是想掩饰自己的不自信。 柯林斯例句. The police investigation was a joke. A total cover-up. 警方的调查简直荒唐可笑,完全是在掩盖真相。 柯林斯例句.

  3. cover up (第三人稱單數簡單現在時 covers up,現在分詞 covering up,一般過去時及過去分詞 covered up) 俗語) 隱藏或偽裝 The politician tried to cover up his involvement in the scandal. 那個政治家試圖隱藏自己參與過這件醜聞的事實。 (俗語) 覆蓋 (俗語) 在床上 ...

  4. [ˈkʌvəʳ ] 及物动词. 1. to cover sth (with sth) 用某物蓋著某物. She covered her face with her hands. 她用手矇著自己的臉。 2. (travel: distance) 行. We covered twenty kilometres a day. 我們每天行20公里。 3. (in insurance) to cover sb (against sth) 給某人保某事的險. We’re not covered against accidental damage. 我們沒有保意外損害險。 4. (deal with: law, regulation) 適用於.

  5. 英漢. 英英. Dr.eye 譯典通片語. cover up. ph. (完全)蓋住; 遮住, 裹住;掩蓋. 釋義. 相關詞. ph. 片語. 1. (完全)蓋住; 遮住, 裹住 Cover yourself up well. It's cold outside. 穿得暖和一些。 外面很冷。 2. 掩蓋 How can you cover up your mistake?...

  6. cover-up [ ˈkʌvərʌp ] n [c] 掩盖 (蓋) yǎngài. 在这些条目还发现'cover up': 在英文解释里: blank out - enshroud - front organization - keep under wraps - muffle - whitewash. 中文: 埋没 - 遮掩. 标题中含有单词 'cover up' 的论坛讨论: 未在Chinese论坛中找到有关“cover up”的讨论. [raising fears that] there could be a cover-up - English Only forum. a cover-up through the ranks - English Only forum.

  7. 相似单词. cover glass, cover letter, cover over, cover plate, cover slip, cover up, coverage, coverall, cover-all, coveralls, 历史记录. 生词本. 『欧路词典』为您提供cover up的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的cover up的中文意思,cover up的读音,cover up的同义词,cover up的反义词,cover up的例句。.

  8. cover something up. phrasal verb with cover verb uk / ˈkʌv.ə r/ us / ˈkʌv.ɚ /. Add to word list. Add to word list. C2. to stop people discovering the truth about something bad. 掩蓋;掩飾;隱瞞. The company tried to cover up its employment of illegal immigrants. 這間公司企圖掩蓋其僱用非法移民的事實。.

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