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    KK [ˋdɛfɪsɪt]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 不足額;赤字[C] a foreign trade deficit 外貿逆差

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    • 赤字

      • deficit 意思是: 赤字; "a falling short or failure in amount," especially financially, 1782, 源自法语déficit(17世纪晚期),源自拉丁语deficit“它缺少”,是清单从句中的引导词,第三人称单数现在时陈述语气,源自deficere“失败,不足”,由de“向下,离开”(见de-)和facere“做,制造”的组合形式组成(源自PIE词根*dhe-“设置,放置”)。
  2. Add to word list. C1. the total amount by which money spent is more than money received. 赤字;逆差;虧損. The country is running a balance-of-payments/ budget / trade deficit of $250 million. 該國的收支差額/預算赤字/貿易逆差已達2.5億美元。 The UK's deficit in manufactured goods fell slightly in the last three months. 在過去的三個月裡,英國製造業的虧損略有好轉。 同義詞. shortfall. 反義詞. surplus. 减少例句.

  3. DEFICIT意思、解釋及翻譯:1. the total amount by which money spent is more than money received, or the state of having spent…。了解更多。

  4. n. 不足額;赤字 [C] 名詞複數:deficits. 釋義. 相關詞. n. 名詞. 1. 不足額;赤字 [C] a foreign trade deficit 外貿逆差. 更多解釋. deficit. IPA [ˈdefɪsɪt] 美式. 英式. n. 赤字 a deficit of £50,000 5萬英鎊的虧空 to be in deficit 出現虧空....

  5. C1. the total amount by which money spent is more than money received. 赤字;逆差;虧損. The country is running a balance-of-payments/ budget / trade deficit of $250 million.該國的收支差額/預算赤字/貿易逆差已達2.5億美元。 The UK's deficit in manufactured goods fell slightly in the last three months.在過去的三個月裡,英國製造業的虧損略有好轉。 同义词. shortfall. 反义词. surplus. 更多范例减少例句.

  6. n. 赤字;不足額. 英語釋義. an excess of liabilities over assets (usually over a certain period) the property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required. 片語. operating deficit [貿易] 營業虧損. current account deficit 收支往來帳戶赤字;經常賬目赤字. trade deficit 貿易逆差;貿易赤字. foreign trade deficit 對外貿易逆差. Video Deficit 視頻致呆.

  7. def. i. cit . [`dZfәsIt; ˋdєfisit] 《可數名詞》 ⑴. 不足 (額) [ in, of ] a deficit in [ of] oil . 石油的不足. ⑵. (金錢的) 不足,短缺,赤字. trade deficits . 貿易赤字. a deficit of one million dollars . 一百萬美元的赤字. 來源(3): 懶蟲英漢詞典 [lazyworm-ec] [' defisit ] n . 赤字, 不足額. 來源(4): pydict data [pydict] deficit . 赤字,不足額.

  8. deficit 的简体中文 翻译. [ˈdɛfɪsɪt ] 名词 [count] 赤字 [chìzì] Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. Video: pronunciation of. deficit. 包括 的例句. deficit. Example sentences from the Collins Corpus. 这些示例已被自动选择并可能包含敏感内容。 We welcome feedback: report an example sentence to the Collins team. 阅读更多…