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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [dɪsˋgres]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 丟臉,恥辱,不光彩;失寵[U] And you needn't fuss. There's no disgrace. 你不必大驚小怪。沒有什麼丟人的事。
    • 2. 丟臉的事;丟臉的人[S][(+to)] The dirty classrooms are a disgrace to the school. 骯髒的教室是學校的恥辱。

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 使丟臉,使蒙受恥辱 So it's you that have disgraced the family! 原來是你丟了全家的面子!
    • 2. 使失寵;貶黜

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  2. DISGRACE翻译恥辱丟臉;不光彩的行為, 使丟臉,使蒙羞,使沒面子。. 了解更多。.

  3. 英語釋義. reduce in worth or character, usually verbally; "She tends to put down younger women colleagues". "His critics took him down after the lecture". bring shame or dishonor upon; "he dishonored his family by committing a serious crime". damage the reputation of;

  4. the difference comes when you change them to ' disgrace d' and 'insulted'. disgrace d means to fall from a position of power or status after doing something bad or having something happen to you. "he was stripped of his title and disgrace d once they discovered he was plagiarizing."

  5. 4 definitions found. From: DICT.TW English-Chinese Dictionary 英漢字典. dis·grace /dɪˈskres, dɪsˈgres/. 恥辱,不名譽 ( vt .)使恥辱,使失體面. From: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913) Dis·grace n. 1. The condition of being out of favor; loss of favor, regard, or respect. Macduff lives in disgrace.

  6. disgrace : 侧重在别人,尤其在众人面前丢脸。 humiliate : 强调受辱者自尊心的损坏。shame : 指由不光彩或不道德的行为引起的惭愧感或羞耻感。dishonour : 有时可与disgrace换用,但前者是指因失去荣誉所致。

  7. dis.grace [dIs`grєs; disˋ^rєis] 《名詞》 ⑴ (U)不名譽,出醜,丟臉,恥辱 bring disgrace on one's family 玷辱家門 【同義字】 disgrace 失去別人的尊敬、好感 dishonor 因自己的行為,喪失名譽、自尊心 shame 因他人鄙視而感到恥辱 ⑵ [a disgrace]招致恥辱的to]

  8. disgrace 指降低某人在他人心目中的地位,使其丢脸。 词 disgraceful 可 的,丢脸的,不光彩的; shame 羞 ,羞愧; shameful 可 的; embarrassment 困窘; travesty 滑稽模仿; humiliation 丢脸, 辱; ashamed 惭愧的,感到难为情的; appalling 令人震惊的; deplorable 可叹的; despicable 可鄙的,卑鄙 ...

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