Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [dɪˋspɛns]

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 分配,分發;施給[(+to)] The government dispensed emergency food to the flood victims. 政府把應急食品發給水災受害者。
    • 2. 執行,施行;管理

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 免除;省掉[(+with)] Let's dispense with ceremony. 我們不要拘泥於禮儀。

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  2. Add to word list. Add to word list. to give out things, especially products, services, or amounts of money. 分發;提供,供應. There is a vending machine on the platform that dispenses snacks. 月臺上有一個出售零食的自動售貨機。. to prepare and give out medicine. 配(藥),開(藥). UK a dispensing chemist 藥劑師.

  3. phrasal verb with dispense verb [ T ] uk / dɪˈspens / us / dɪˈspens /. Add to word list. Add to word list. to get rid of or stop using something or someone that you do not need. 免除;廢止;省去;不再使用. They've had to dispense with a lot of luxuries since Mike lost his job. 由於麥克丟了工作,他們不得不與奢侈生活 ...

  4. 1. 分配,分發;施給 [(+to)] The government dispensed emergency food to the flood victims. 政府把應急食品發給水災受害者。. He dispenses equal justice to all. 他對所有人一律公平對待。. 2. 執行,施行;管理. 3. 配(藥),配(方) The pharmacist...

  5. Add to word list. Add to word list. to give out things, especially products, services, or amounts of money. 分发;提供,供应. There is a vending machine on the platform that dispenses snacks. 站台上有一个出售零食的自动售货机。. to prepare and give out medicine. 配(药),开(药). UK a dispensing chemist 药剂师.

  6. dispense with To manage without; forgo 省略,放弃:没有…也行;放弃 Let's dispense with the formalities. 让我们免去那些礼节吧 To get rid of; do away with 摒弃;废除 a country that has dispensed with tariff barriers. 已废除关税障碍的国家

  7. DISPENSE translate: 分發;提供,供應, 配(藥),開(藥). Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary.

  8. To dispense with. (a) To permit the neglect or omission of, as a form, a ceremony, an oath; to suspend the operation of, as a law; to give up, release, or do without, as services, attention, etc .; to forego; to part with. (b) To allow by dispensation; to excuse; to exempt; to grant dispensation to or for.

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