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  1. 2009年9月22日 · Divide 可當及物和不及物動詞用,經常與介系詞 into 和 in 連用 (divide sth into pairs/groups/parts 等等),意為「分;分成;劃分;分割」,如 The teacher divided the class into three groups. (老師把全班分成三個小組);The film divides into two distinct halves. (影片分成明顯不同的兩半);He divided his students in half. (他將他的學生分成兩半)。

  2. 2009年9月22日 · Divide, divide up (vv.) Divide 可當及物和不及物動詞用,經常與介系詞 into 和 in 連用 (divide sth into pairs/groups/parts 等等),意為「分;分成;劃分;分割」,如 The teacher divided the class into three groups. (老師把全班分成三個小組);The film divides into two distinct halves. (影片分成 ...

  3. divide. divide (something) into something phrase. divide and rule phrase. divide something by something phrase. divide/split (something) down the middle idiom. 回到頁面頂端. 內容. DIVIDE翻譯:分開, (使)分開;(使)分組, 分享;分攤, 分隔,隔開, 分配, (議會等)分贊成和反對兩組進行表決, 不 ...

  4. C1. If a number divides into another number, it fits ( exactly) into it when multiplied a particular number of times: What do you get if you divide 6 into 18? 2 divides into 10 five times. Next, divide five into 35. Eleven is a prime number. That means no other numbers divide evenly into it. Six divides into 40 with four left over.

  5. vt. 及物動詞. 1. 把…分開 to divide sth. up into sth. 把某物拆分成某物. 2. 分配. 更多解釋. divide up. ph. 劃分,分配,瓜分. PyDict.

  6. 1. 动词短语. If you divide something up, you separate it into smaller or more useful groups. The idea is to divide up the country into four sectors. [V P n + into] The Trust needs a new law to divide it up into smaller bodies. [V n P + into] [ Also VERB noun PARTICLE] 2. 动词短语.

  7. Because it is possible to divide up your pathfinding area into something other than squares. 因为有可能你要把你的寻路区域以非方块的东西来分割. 期刊摘选 We will divide up the money between the partners. 我们将分割股东的钱. 期刊摘选 In the bankdivide up ...