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  1. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供drinking的中文意思,drinking的用法讲解,drinking的读音,drinking的同义词,drinking的反义词,drinking的例句等英语服务。

  2. › wiki › DrinkingDrinking - Wikipedia

    Drinking is the act of ingesting water or other liquids into the body through the mouth, proboscis, or elsewhere. Humans drink by swallowing , completed by peristalsis in the esophagus . The physiological processes of drinking vary widely among other animals .

  3. 2024年1月20日 · Drinking alcohol in any amount is a health risk that increases with each drink you have. The risk peaks with heavy drinking, including binge drinking, which carries serious health risks.

  4. Drinking too much – on a single occasion or over time – can take a serious toll on your health. Here’s how alcohol can affect your body:

  5. 2024年3月4日 · 酗酒. 同義詞. 酒精成癮、酒精依賴症候群、酒精使用疾患 (AUD) [1] 法國倡導禁酒組織的海報(約1915年),談及 酗酒對家庭的影響 (英語:alcoholism in family systems) ,顯示太太要求醉酒的丈夫交出酒瓶。. 症狀. 長期大量飲酒後,會難以減量;為取得酒精及飲用 ...

  6. 2023年4月9日 · 斯餐酒館位於台灣北部的台北市士林區,是一家結合餐廳和酒吧的場所。. 餐酒館提供多樣化的美食和酒水選擇,是一個適合聚會和享受美食美酒的放鬆場所。. 這家餐酒館的地址是台北市士林區中正路二段129號,營業時間為周一至周五的下午5點至凌晨3點,周 ...

  7. 2023年2月16日 · Some long-term effects of frequently drinking alcohol can include: persistent changes in mood, including anxiety and irritability. insomnia and other sleep concerns. a weakened immune system ...

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