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    KK [ɪ͵læsˋtɪsətɪ]

    n.[U] 不可數名詞

    • 1. 彈性;彈力 The skin eventually loses its elasticity. 皮膚最終會失去彈性。
    • 2. 靈活性;伸縮性 elasticity of demand 需求的伸縮性

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  2. In economics, elasticity measures the responsiveness of one economic variable to a change in another. If the price elasticity of the demand of something is -2, a 10% increase in price causes the quantity demanded to fall by 20%.

  3. 需求价格弹性 (英語: Price elasticity of demand ),在 经济学 中一般用来衡量需求的数量随商品价格的变动而变化的 弹性 。. 通常来说,因为 財貨 价格的下跌会导致需求量的增加,反之商品价格的上升会减少需求量;所以一般情况下价格与需求量成反比 ...

  4. 2022年10月20日 · 在 经济学 中, 弹性 ( elasticity )用于计量一个变量的改变将在多大程度上影响其他变量,这一概念是由 阿尔弗莱德·马歇尔 提出的。. 弹性用因变量的变化率与自变量的变化率之比表示。. 弹性的概念可以应用在所有具有 因果关系 的变量之间。. 作为 ...

  5. e. In physics and materials science, elasticity is the ability of a body to resist a distorting influence and to return to its original size and shape when that influence or force is removed. Solid objects will deform when adequate loads are applied to them; if the material is elastic, the object will return to its initial shape and size after ...

  6. elasticity, ability of a deformed material body to return to its original shape and size when the forces causing the deformation are removed.A body with this ability is said to behave (or respond) elastically. To a greater or lesser extent, most solid materials exhibit elastic behaviour, but there is a limit to the magnitude of the force and the accompanying deformation within which elastic ...

  7. 2021年1月2日 · Elastic is an economic term meant to describe a change in the behavior of buyers and sellers in response to a price change for a good or service. How the demand for the good or service reacts in ...

  8. basics. Elasticity is the property of solid materials to return to their original shape and size after the forces deforming them have been removed. Recall Hooke's law — first stated formally by Robert Hooke in The True Theory of Elasticity or Springiness (1676)…. ut tensio, sic vis.

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